
检索条件"机构=Nuclear Science and Engineering School"
27 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
Study on the long-term passive cooling extension of AP1000 reactor
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nuclear science and Techniques》2013年 第4期24卷 68-74页
作者:YE Cheng ZHENG Mingguang WANG Yong QIU ZhongmingSchool of Nuclear Science and Engineering Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai Nuclear Engineering Research and Design Institute Zhejiang University 
The AP1000 with high safety is a generation III pressurized water reactor(PWR),its significant feature is passive safety ***,its passive cooling can only maintain for 72 h and requires additional support from inside o...
Design of CsI(TI) detector system to search for lost radioactive source
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nuclear science and Techniques》2019年 第9期30卷 9-17页
作者:Waseem Khan Chao-Hui He Qing-Min Zhang Yu Cao Wei-Tao YangDepartment of Nuclear Science and Technology School of Energy and Power Engineering Xi’an Jiaotong University 
This report presents a design system based on the use of CsI(TI) detectors to search for lost radioactive sources that are dangerous and harmful to individuals, including searching persons. For this purpose, the GEANT...
Design and construction of three-dimensional graphene/conducting polymer for supercapacitors
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《Chinese Chemical Letters》2016年 第8期27卷 1437-1444,1471页
作者:Meng Wang Yu-Xi XuSchool of Nuclear Science and TechnologyUniversity of South China State Key Laboratory of Molecular Engineering of PolymersDepartment of Macromolecular ScienceFudan University 
Three-dimensional graphene/conducting polymer(3DGCP) composites have received significant attention in recent years due to their unique structures and promising applications in energy *** the structural diversity of...
Cofactor engineering in cyanobacteria to overcome imbalance between NADPH and NADH: A mini review
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《Frontiers of Chemical science and engineering2017年 第1期11卷 66-71页
作者:Jongmoon Park Yunnam ChoiDepartment of Chemical Engineering Pohang University of Science and Technology Gyeongbuk 790-784 Korea School of Environmental Science and Engineering Pohang University of Science and Technology Gyeongbuk 790-784 Korea Division of Advanced Nuclear Engineering Pohang University of Science and Technology Gyeongbuk 790-784 Korea 
Cyanobacteria can produce useful renewable fuels and high-value chemicals using sunlight and atmo- spheric carbon dioxide by photosynthesis. Genetic manip- ulation has increased the variety of chemicals that cyanobact...
Casting process design and practice for coolant pump impeller in AP1000 nuclear power station
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《China Foundry》2020年 第2期17卷 173-177页
作者:Ping Zhao Zhong-li Liu Gui-quan Wang Peng LiuCollege of Materials Science and EngineeringQingdao University of Science&TechnologyQingdao 266044China School of Nuclear Equipment and Nuclear EngineeringYantai UniversityYantai 264005China Institute of Metal ResearchChinese Academy of ScienceShenyang 110016China 
The coolant pump impeller casting is the only rotating component in the nuclear island of an AP1000 nuclear power station, and is required to have a 60-year service time, which requires advanced materials and processi...
Core designing of a new type of TVS-2M FAs:neutronics and thermal-hydraulics design basis limits
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《Frontiers in Energy》2021年 第1期15卷 256-278页
作者:Saeed GHAEMI Farshad FAGHIHIDepartment of Nuclear EngineeringSchool of Mechanical EngineeringShiraz UniversityShiraz 71936-16548Iran Radiation Research CenterShiraz UniversityShiraz 71936Iran Lonizing and Non-Ionizing Radiation CenterShiraz University of Medical ScienceShirazIran 
One of the most important aims of this study is to improve the core of the current VVER reactors to achieve more burn-up(or more cycle length)and more intrinsic *** is an independent study on the Russian new proposed ...
Simulation of hydrogen distribution and effect of engineering Safety Features (ESFs) on its mitigation in a WWER-1000 containment
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nuclear science and Techniques》2019年 第6期30卷 88-103页
作者:Omid Noori-kalkhoran Najmeh Jafari-ouregani Massimiliano Gei Rohollah AhangariSchool of Engineering Cardiff University Wales UK National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University Tomsk Russia Nuclear Science and Technology Research Institute (NSTRI) Tehran Iran 
In this study, thermal–hydraulic parameters inside the containment of aWWER-1000/v446 nuclear power plant are simulated in a double-ended cold leg accident for short and long times (by using CONTAIN 2.0 and MELCOR 1....
Designing a high Si reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steel for nuclear power generation by using Calphad method
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《Journal of Materials science & Technology》2019年 第3期35卷 266-274页
作者:Chao Liu Quanqiang Shi Wei Yan Chunguang Shen Ke Yang Yiyin Shan Mingchun ZhaoKey Laboratory of Nuclear Materials and Safety Assessment Institute of Metal Research Chinese Academy of Sciences School of Material Science and Engineering Central South University The State Key Laboratory of Rolling and Automation Northeastern University 
A high Si reduced activation ferritic/martensitic(RAFM) steel for nuclear structure application is successfully designed by using Calphad method. The main designed chemical composition is C 0.18–0.22%, Cr10.0–10.5%,...
Design and Fabrication of Plasmonic Nanostructures with DNA for Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Applications
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《Chinese Journal of Chemistry》2016年 第3期34卷 273-282页
作者:Chunbo Leng Cheng Wang Huixin Xiu Xiangmeng Qu Lizhen Chen Qian Tang Li LiSchool of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering East China Normal University Shanghai 200241 China Department of Nuclear Medicine Ren Ji Hospital School of Medicine Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai 200127 China School of Materials Science andEngineering University of Shanghai for Science and Technology Shanghai 200093 China 
Plasmonic nanostructures display unique and strongly enhanced optical properties, therefore hold great promise for a wide range of spectroscopic applications, particularly surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS)....
Design of a neutron-TPC prototype and its performance evaluation based on an alpha-particle test
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《Chinese Physics C》2015年 第8期39卷 73-80页
作者:黄孟 李玉兰 牛莉博 李金 邓智 何力 章红燕 程晓磊 傅楗强 李元景Dept.of Engineering Physics Tsinghua University Key Laboratory of Particle & Radiation Imaging(Tsinghua University) Ministry of Education Institute of High Energy Physics Nuclear Science and Engineering School North China Electric Power University 
A neutron-TPC (nTPC) is being developed for use as a fast neutron spectrometer in the fields of nuclear physics, nuclear reactor operation monitoring, and thermo-nuclear fusion plasma diagnostics. An nTPC prototype ...
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