
检索条件"机构=Nuclear Science and Engineering School"
27 条 记 录,以下是21-30 订阅
Support Operator’s Fault Diagnosis of Complex Plant Systemthrough Multilevel Flow Model and Ecological Interface Design
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《工程科学(英文版)》2005年 第4期3卷 59-67页
作者:OuYang Jun Yang Ming Hidekazu Yoshikawa Zhou Yangping Liu JingquanGraduate School of Energy Science Japan Kyoto University Yoshida Hon-machi Sakyo-ku Japan Kyoto 606-8501 Power and Nuclear Engineering College of Harbin Engineering University Harbin 150001 
The paper describes a new human-interface system design method by combining the conception of Multilevel Flow Model and Ecological Interface Design to support operators’ fault diagnosis in the complex plant system. M...
Effect of Different Laser Energy Nitriding on the Fretting Wear Performance of Zr Alloy
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《摩擦学学报(中英文)》2024年 第9期44卷 1306-1321页
作者:NING Chuangming TANG Guocan YU Shijia ZHOU Junbo REN Quanyao ZENG Bing CAI ZhenbingKey Laboratory of Advanced Technologies of MaterialsTribology Research InstituteSouthwest Jiaotong UniversitySichuan Chengdu 610031China School of Mechanical and Electrical EngineeringChengdu University of TechnologySichuan Chengdu 610031China Science and Technology on Reactor System Design Technology LaboratoryNuclear Power Institute of ChinaSichuan Chengdu 610213China 
The zirconium(Zr)alloy fuel cladding is one of the key structural components of a nuclear reactor and the first and most important line of defense for accommodating fission *** the operation of nuclear reactors,Zr all...
Unraveling the ethylene carbonate effect on the electro-chemical/thermosafety features for practical LiNi_(0.9)Co_(0.05)Mn_(0.05)O_(2)||graphite pouch cells
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science China Materials》2024年 第10期67卷 3236-3244页
作者:Zhihao Liu Xin Wen Yingchen Xie Fengfei Wang Li Wang Yu Wu Xuning FengSchool of Materials Science and EngineeringBeijing Institute of TechnologyBeijing 100081China National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Materials under Shock and ImpactBeijing Institute of TechnologyBeijing 100081China China North Standardization CenterBeijing 100089China State Key Laboratory of Intelligent Green Vehicle and MobilityTsinghua UniversityBeijing 100084China Rocket Force University of EngineeringXi’an 710025China Institute of Nuclear and New Energy TechnologyTsinghua UniversityBeijing 100084China 
With the continuous development of the electrification industry,the development of high-specific batteries has attracted much ***,the safety of lithiumion batteries is currently unable to meet the market demand due to...
Effect of yttrium and calcium additions on electrochemical behaviors and discharge performance of AZ80 anodes for Mg-air battery
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《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》2022年 第8期32卷 2510-2526页
作者:Yu-wen-xi ZHANG Lu HAN Lin-bao REN Ling-ling FAN Yang-yang GUO Ming-yang ZHOU Gao-feng QUANKey Laboratory of Advanced Technologies of Materials(Ministry of Education)School of Materials Science and EngineeringSouthwest Jiaotong UniversityChengdu 610031China Center for Advancing Materials Performance from the NanoscaleState Key Laboratory for Mechanical Behavior of MaterialsXi’an Jiaotong UniversityXi’an 710049China Xi’an Rare Metal Materials Institute Co.Ltd.Xi’an 710049China Science and Technology on Reactor System Design Technology LaboratoryNuclear Power Institute of ChinaChengdu 610213China 
The effects of yttrium(Y)and yttrium+calcium(Y+Ca)additions on the electrochemical properties and discharge performance of the as-extruded Mg−8Al−0.5Zn−0.2Mn(AZ80)anodes for Mg−air batteries were *** results show that...
Transition‐metal‐atom‐pairs deposited on g‐CN monolayer for nitrogen reduction reaction:Density functional theory calculations
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《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》2021年 第7期42卷 1160-1167页
作者:Bin Huang Yifan Wu Bibo Chen Yong Qian Naigen Zhou Neng LiState Key Laboratory of Nuclear Resources and EnvironmentEast China University of TechnologyNanchang 330031JiangxiChina State Key Laboratory of Silicate Materials for ArchitecturesWuhan University of TechnologyWuhan 430070HubeiChina School of Materials Science and EngineeringNanchang UniversityNanchang 330031JiangxiChina Shenzhen Research Institute of Wuhan University of TechnologyShenzhen 518000GuangdongChina State Center for International Cooperation on Designer Low‐Carbon&Environmental Materials(CDLCEM)School of Materials Science and EngineeringZhengzhou UniversityZhengzhou 450001HenanChina 
The development of highly active DFT catalysts for an electrocatalytic N_(2)reduction reaction(NRR)under mild conditions is a difficult *** this study,a series of atom‐pair catalysts(APCs)for an NRR were fabricated u...
Tuning anionic/cationic redox chemistry in a P2-type Na0.67Mn0.5Fe0.5O2 cathode material via a synergic strategy
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science China Materials》2020年 第9期63卷 1703-1718页
作者:Weijin Kong Wenyun Yang De Ning Qingyuan Li Lirong Zheng Jinbo Yang Kai Sun Dongfeng Chen Xiangfeng LiuCenter of Materials Science and Optoelectronics EngineeringCollege of Materials Science and Optoelectronic TechnologyUniversity of Chinese Academy of SciencesBeijing 100049China State Key Laboratory for Mesoscopic PhysicsSchool of PhysicsPeking UniversityBeijing 100871China Helmholtz-Center Berlin for Materials and EnergyHahn-Meitner-Platz 1Berlin 14109Germany Beijing Synchrotron Radiation FacilityInstitute of High Energy PhysicsChinese Academy of SciencesBeijing 100049China Department of Nuclear PhysicsChina Institute of Atomic EnergyBeijing 102413China CAS Center for Excellence in Topological Quantum ComputationUniversity of Chinese Academy of SciencesBeijing 100190China 
The anionic redox chemistry(O^2-→O^-)in P2-type sodium-ion battery cathodes has attracted much ***,determining how to tune the anionic redox reaction is still a major ***,we tune the activity and reversibility of bot...
The Giant Radio Array for Neutrino Detection(GRAND):science and design
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science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》2020年 第1期63卷 1-43页
作者:Jaime Alvarez-Muniz Rafael Alves Batista Aswathi Balagopal V. Julien Bolmont Mauricio Bustamante Washington Carvalho Jr. Didier Charrier Ismael Cognard Valentin Decoene Peter B.Denton Sijbrand De Jong Krijn D.De Vries Ralph Engel Ke Fang Chad Finley Stefano Gabici Quan Bu Gou Jun Hua Gu Claire Guépin Hong Bo Hu Yan Huang Kumiko Kotera Sandra Le Coz Jean-Philippe Lenain Guo Liang Léü Olivier Martineau-Huynh Miguel Mostafá Fabrice Mottez Kohta Murase Valentin Niess Foteini Oikonomou Tanguy Pierog Xiang Li Qian Bo Qin Duan Ran Nicolas Renault-Tinacci Markus Roth Frank G.Schroder Fabian Schüssler Cyril Tasse Charles Timmerman Matías Tueros Xiang Ping Wu Philippe Zarka Andreas Zech B.Theodore Zhang Jian Li Zhang Yi Zhang Qian Zheng Anne ZillesDepartamento de Fisica de Particulas&lnstituto Galego de Fisica de Altas EnerxiasUniversidad de Santiago de CompostelaSantiago de Compostela 15782Spain Instituto de AstronomiaGeofisica e Ciencias AtmosfericasUniversidade de Sao PauloSao Paulo-SP 05508-090Brazil Department of Physics-AstrophysicsUniversity of OxfordDWBOxford 0X13RHUK Institute of Experimental Particle Physics(ETP)Karlsruhe Institute of Technology(KIT)Karlsru he D-76021Germany Laboratoire de Physique Nucleeaire et de Hautes Energies(LPNHE)Sorbonne UniversiteUniversite Paris DiderotSorbonne Paris CiteCNRS place JussieuF-75252Paris Cedex 5France Niels Bohr International Academy and DARKNiels Bohr InstituteCopenhagen 2100Denmark Discovery CenterNiels Bohr InstituteCopenhagen 2100Denmark Center for Cosmology and AstroParticle Physics(CCA.PP)&Department of PhysicsOhio State UniversityColumbus OH 43210USA Universidade de Santiago de CompostelaSantiago de Compostela 15782Spain 0SUBATECHInstitut Mines-Telecom Atlantique-CNRS/IN2P3-Universite de NantesNantes 44300France Laboratoire de Physique et Chimie de KEnvironnement et de VEspace LPC2E CNRS-Universite d'OrleansOrleans F-45071France Station de Radioastronomie de NancayObservatoire de ParisCNRS/INSU F-18330 NangayFrance Sorbonne UniversiteUMR 7095Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris98 bis bd AragoParis 75014France Institute for MathematicsAstrophysics and Particle Physics(IMAPP)Radboud UniversiteitNijmegen 6500Netherlands Nationaal Instituut voor Kemfysica en Hoge Energie Fysica(NIKHEF)Amsterdam NL-1009Netherlands IIHE/ELEMVrije Universiteit BrusselPleinlaan 2Brussels 1050Belgium Institute for Nuclear Physics(IKP)Karlsruhe Institute of Technology(KIT)Karlsruhe D-76021Germany Einstein FellowStanford UniversityStanford CA 94305USA Department of AstronomyUniversity of MarylandCollege Park MD 20742-2421USA Joint Space-Science InstituteCollege Park MD 20742-2421USA Oskar Klein CentreStockholm UniversityStockholm SE-10691Sweden Department of Phy 
The Giant Radio Array for Neutrino Detection(GRAND)is a planned large-scale observatory of ultra-high-energy(UHE)cosmic particles,with energies exceeding 10~8 Ge *** goal is to solve the long-standing mystery of the o...
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