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《护理研究(中旬版)》2014年 第11期28卷 3973-3975页
作者:孔庆芳 施忠英 Maritta Valimaki 胡珏上海交通大学医学院附属精神卫生中心200030 Department of Nursing Science University of Turku Finland20014 
Self-harm attempters' perception of community services and its implication on service provision
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《International Journal of nursing Sciences》2019年 第1期6卷 50-57页
作者:Ming Leung Chun-Bong Chow Pak-Keung Patrick Ip Siu-Fai Paul YipCentral Nursing DivisionPrincess Margaret HospitalHKSARChina Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent MedicineLKS Faculty of MedicineThe University of Hong KongHKSARChina Hospital Authority Infectious Disease CentrePrincess Margaret HospitalHKSARChina Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent MedicineThe University of Hong Kong-Shen Zhen HospitalShen ZhenChina Department of Social Work and Social AdministrationThe University of Hong KongHKSARChina Jockey Club Center of Suicide Research and PreventionThe University of Hong KongHKSARChina 
Objective:This study aimed at exploring the attempters'perception of community social services included any barriers to seeking help and ***:The participants were patients with self-harming behavior aged 15 years ...
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《护理学杂志》2012年 第9期27卷 86-88页
作者:李冬梅 付伟 张玲芝 Chung Mijas Moon Hee 邓腊梅杭州师范大学护理学院浙江杭州310036 浙江医学高等专科学校 Department of NursingGwangyang Health College 
目的了解我国护生生命伦理意识及其特征,为今后开展生命伦理教育及研究提供依据。方法利用Kown研制的生命伦理意识问卷及自行设计的生命伦理特征问卷对杭州市2所护理院校的509名护生进行调查。结果 24.4%的护生生命伦理价值观明确;护生...
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《英国医学杂志中文版》2015年 第10期18卷 587-593页
作者:Hsien Seow associate professor Kevin Brazil professor of palliative care Jonathan Sussman associate professor Jose Pereira head of division of paUiative medicine Denise Marshall associate professor Peter C Austin professor Amna Husain associate professor Jagadish Rangrej senior biostattsttctan Lsa Barbera associate professor 饶洁 于世英Department of Oncology McMaster University HamiltonOntario LSV 5C2 Canada School of Nursing and Midwifery Queen's University BelfastBelfast UK Division of Palliative Care Faculty of Medicine University ofOttawa Ottawa Ontario Canada Department of Family Medicine McMaster UniversityHamilton Ontario Canada Institute for Health Policy Management and Evaluation DallaLana School of Public Health University of Toronto TorontoOntario Canada Department of Family and Community Medicine University ofToronto Toronto Ontario Canada institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Toronto OntarioCanada Department of Radiation Oncology Institute of Health PolicyManagement and Evaluation University of Toronto TorontoOntario Canada 华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院 
护理院中的老年人跌倒预防 终于,成功了
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《英国医学杂志中文版》2022年 第9期25卷 484-485页
作者:Ngaire Kerse John Parsons Joanna Hikaka 李高华(译)Department of General Practice and Primary Health CareSchool of Population HealthFaculty of Medical and Health SciencesUniversity of AucklandAucklandNew Zealand School of NursingFaculty of Medical and Health SciencesUniversity of AucklandAucklandNew Zealand 剑桥朗思口语考官 
The associations between resilience and socio-demographic factors in parents who care for their children with congenital heart disease
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《International Journal of nursing Sciences》2022年 第3期9卷 321-327,I0002页
作者:Amy E.Delaney Mei Rosemary Fu Melissa L.McTernan Audrey C.Marshall Jessica Lindberg Ravi R.Thiagarajan Zhuzhu Zhou Jeibei Luo Sharon GlazerBoston CollegeWilliam F.Connell School of NursingChestnut HillMAUSA Rutgers UniversitySchool of NursingeCamdenCamdenNJUSA Boston CollegeAcademic Research ServicesChestnut HillMAUSA University of TorontoThe Hospital for Sick ChildrenTorontoONCanada The Ethan M.Lindberg FoundationCaledoniaILUSA Harvard Medical SchoolDepartment of CardiologyBoston Children's HospitalBostonMAUSA Xiamen University School of Economics&the Chow CenterXiamenChina Boston CollegeBoston College Thomas P.O'Neill Jr.LibraryChestnut HillMAUSA The University of BaltimoreYale Gordon College of Arts&Sciences BaltimoreMDUSA 
Objective To examine the resilience of parents of children with congenital heart disease and to investigate socio-demographic factors that may influence parents’*** This is a web-based survey study using a cross-sect...
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《International Journal of nursing Sciences》2023年 第3期10卷 318-324页
作者:何丹丹 何兰珍 袁艺娟 黄玲丽 肖琦 叶新梅 张俊娥Department of General Surgery(Colorectal Surgery)The Sixth Affiliated HospitalSun Yat-Sen UniversityGuangzhouGuangdongChina Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Colorectal and Pelvic Floor DiseasesThe Sixth Affiliated HospitalSun Yat-Sen UniversityGuangzhouGuangdongChina Biomedical Innovation CenterNational Key Clinical DisciplineGuangdong Provincial Clinical Research Center for Digestive DiseasesThe Sixth Affiliated HospitalSun Yat-Sen UniversityGuangzhouGuangdongChina School of NursingSun Yat-Sen UniversityGuangzhouGuangdongChina 
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《世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册)》2006年 第8期2卷 24-24页
作者:Nystedt A. Hgberg U. Dejin-Karlsson E. Lundman B. 朱磊Department of Nursing Ume University S- 901 87 Ume Sweden 
Objectives: To examine if a low level of psychosocial resources in early pregnancy is associated with the occurrence of prolonged labour. Study design: A cross sectional study of 644 women expecting their first child....
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《英国医学杂志中文版》2007年 第4期10卷 210-213页
作者:Nanette Mutrie Anna M Campbell Fiona Whyte Alex McConnachie Carol Emslie Laura Lee Nora Kearney Andrew Walker Diana Ritchie 方桦(译) 王燕(校)Department of SportCulture and the ArtsStrathclyde UniversityGlasgow G13 1PP Nursing and Midwifery SchoolUniversity of GlasgowGlasgow G12 8LW Robertson Centre for BiostatisticsUniversity of Glasgow G12 8QQ MRC Social and Public Health Sciences UnitGlasgow G12 8RZ Cancer Care Research CentreDepartment of Nursing and MidwiferyUniversity of StirlingStirling FK9 4LA Beatson Oncology CentreGlasgow G11 6NT 不详 
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《中西医结合学报》2008年 第3期6卷 221-232页
作者:Sally Hopewell Mike Clarke David Moher Elizabeth Wager Philippa Middleton Douglas G.Altman Kenneth F.Schulz the CONSORT Group 李迅 刘建平UK Cochrane CentreOxfordUnited Kingdom Centre for Statistics in MedicineWolfson CollegeOxford UniversityOxfordUnited Kingdom UK Cochrane CentreOxfordUnited Kingdom School of Nursing and MidwiferyTrinity College DublinDublinIreland Chalmers Research GroupChildren's Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research InstituteOttawaCanada Department of Epidemiology and Community MedicineFaculty of MedicineUniversity ot OttawaOttawaCanada SideviewPrinces RisboroughUnited Kingdom Discipline of Obstetrics and GynaecologyThe University of AdelaideAdelaideAustralia Centre for Statistics in MedicineWolfson CollegeOxford UniversityOxfordUnited Kingdom Family Health InternationalResearch Triangle ParkNorth CarolinaUnited States of America 北京中医药大学循证医学中心 
背景:对于与随机对照试验(randomized controlled trial,RCT)有关的学术会议论文或期刊中发表的文章来说,清楚、明了、信息量充足的摘要是十分重要的,因为读者经常仅仅根据报告的摘要对一个临床试验作出评价。为此,我们需要对"临...
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