
检索条件"机构=Program in Physical Therapy"
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《中西医结合学报》2012年 第3期10卷 303-309页
作者:Ana Paula de Sousa Fragoso Arthur de Sá FerreiraLaboratory of Human Movement AnalysisPost-graduation Program of Rehabilitation ScienceAugusto Motta University CenterBonsucessoRio de JaneiroBrazil Department of Physical TherapySalgado de Oliveira UniversityNiteróiRio de JaneiroBrazil 
背景:中风作为一种疾病,中医早在2 000多年前即有诸多经典著作对其进行描述。然而,大部分有关针刺对中风后遗症患者功能恢复的疗效的临床对照试验未能得出针刺具有长期疗效的结论。并且,很多试验以表面肌电图测量患者骨骼肌的电活动以...
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《感染、炎症、修复》2023年 第3期24卷 139-157页
作者:Sicco A.Bus Isabel C.N Sacco Matilde Monteiro-Soares Anita Raspovic Joanne Paton Anne Rasmussen Larry A.Lavery Jaap Jvan Netten on behalf of the International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot 李恭驰 王知 李炳辉(译) 李秋 许樟荣(审校)Amsterdam UMCUniversity of AmsterdamDepartment of Rehabilitation MedicineAmsterdamthe Netherlands Amster-dam Movement Sciencesprogram Rehabilitation&DevelopmentAmsterdamthe Netherlands Physical TherapySpeech and Occupational Therapy departmentSchool of MedicineUniversity of São PauloSão PauloBrazil Higher School of Health of the Portuguese Red CrossLisbonPortugal Department of Community MedicineInformation and Health Decision Sciences(MEDCIDS)Faculty of MedicineUniversity of PortoPortoPortugal RISE@CINTESISFaculty of MedicineOporto Uni-versityPortoPortugal Discipline of PodiatrySchool of Allied HealthHuman Services and SportLa Trobe UniversityMel-bourneVictoriaAustralia School of Health ProfessionsUniversity of PlymouthPlymouthUK Steno Diabetes Center Copen-hagenHerlevDenmark Department of Plastic SurgeryUniversity of Texas Southwestern Medical CenterDallasTexasUSA 不详 华中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院湖北武汉430022 华中科技大学同济医学院附属梨园医院湖北武汉430077 山东省立医院山东济南250021 战略支援部队特色医学中心北京100101 
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《感染、炎症、修复》2024年 第1期25卷 52-71页
作者:Dane K.Wukich Nicolaas C.Schaper Catherine Gooday Arun Bal Robert Bem Avneesh Chhabra Mary Hastings Crystal Holmes Nina L.Petrova Maria Gala Santini Araujo Eric Senneville Katherine M.Raspovic on behalf of the International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot 赵宏谋 徐俊(译) 张明珠(审校)Department of Orthopaedic SurgeryUniversity of Texas Southwestern Medical CenterDallasTexasUSA Division of EndocrinologyMUMC+CARIM and CAPHRI InstituteMaastrichtthe Netherlands Elsie Bertram Diabetes CentreNorfolk&Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustNorfolkUK SecretaryInternational Association of Diabetic Foot SurgeonsMumbaiIndia Diabetes CentreInstitute for Clinical and Experimental MedicinePrague Department of RadiologyUT Southwestern Medical CenterDallasTexasUSA Program in Physical TherapyWashington University School of MedicineSt.LouisMissouriUSA The Division of MetabolismEndocrinology and DiabetesThe University of Michigan Medical SchoolAnn ArborMichiganUSA Department of DiabetesDiabetic Foot ClinicKing’s College Hospital NHS Foundation TrustLondonUK Italian Hospital of Buenos AiresBuenos AiresArgentina Department of Infectious DiseasesGustave Dron HospitalTourcoingFrance 不详 西安交通大学医学院附属红会医院陕西西安710054 天津医科大学朱宪彝纪念医院天津300314 首都医科大学附属同仁医院北京100730 
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