
检索条件"机构=Research & Advanced Engineering Department"
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《Science Bulletin》2023年 第23期68卷 2993-3002,M0005页
作者:刘宇 陈树麟 袁豪 熊方宇 刘琴 安永康 张建勇 吴璐 孙建国 Yong-Wei Zhang 安琴友 John WangState Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology for Materials Synthesis and ProcessingWuhan University of TechnologyWuhan 430070China Department of Materials Science and EngineeringNational University of SingaporeSingapore 117574Singapore Institute of High Performance ComputingAgency for ScienceTechnology and Research(A*Star)Singapore 138632Singapore Institute of Materials Research and Engineering(IMRE)Agency for ScienceTechnology and Research(A*Star)Singapore 138634Singapore 
Biofabrication of size-controlled liver microtissues incorporated with ECM-derived microparticles to prolong hepatocyte function
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《Bio-Design and Manufacturing》2021年 第4期4卷 790-805页
作者:Zahra Heydari Ibrahim Zarkesh Mohammad-Hossein Ghanian Mahdokht HAghdaei Svetlana Kotova Ensieh Zahmatkesh Zahra Farzaneh Abbas Piryaei Iman Akbarzadeh Anastasia Shpichka Roberto Gramignoli Peter Timashev Hossein Baharvand Massoud VosoughDepartment of Developmental BiologyUniversity of Science and CultureACECR14155-4364 TehranIran Department of Regenerative MedicineCell Science Research CentreRoyan Institute for Stem Cell Biology and TechnologyACECR14155-4364 TehranIran Department of Stem Cells and Developmental BiologyCell Science Research CenterRoyan Institute for Stem Cell Biology and TechnologyACECR14155-4364 TehranIran Department of Cell EngineeringCell Science Research CenterRoyan Institute for Stem Cell Biology and TechnologyACECR14155-4364 TehranIran Transplant Research CenterShiraz University of Medical Sciences71936-13311 ShirazIran N.N.Semenov Federal Research Center for Chemical PhysicsRussian Academy of SciencesMoscow 117977Russia Department of Biology and Anatomical SciencesSchool of MedicineShahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences14155-4364 TehranIran Department of Tissue Engineering and Applied Cell SciencesSchool of Advanced Technologies in MedicineShahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences14155-4364 TehranIran Institute for Regenerative MedicineSechenov UniversityMoscow 117977Russia Division of PathologyDepartment of Laboratory MedicineKarolinska Institute17177 StockholmSweden 
Multicellular microtissues of primary human hepatocytes(PHHs)co-cultured with other supporting cell types are a promis-ing model for drug screening and toxicological ***,these liver microtissues(LMs)rapidly lose their...
Suppression of thermal postbuckling and nonlinear panel flutter motions of variable stiffness composite laminates using piezoelectric actuators
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《Journal of Central South University》2021年 第12期28卷 3757-3777页
作者:TAO Ji-xiao YI Sheng-hui DENG Ya-jie HE Xiao-qiaoDepartment of Mechanics and Aerospace EngineeringSouthern University of Science and TechnologyShenzhen 518055China Centre for Advanced Structural MaterialsCity University of Hong Kong Shenzhen Research InstituteShenzhen 518057China School of Aerospace Engineering and Applied MechanicsTongji UniversityShanghai 200092China Department of Architecture and Civil EngineeringCity University of Hong KongTat Chee AvenueKowloonHong KongChina 
Variable stiffness composite laminates(VSCLs)are promising in aerospace engineering due to their designable material properties through changing fiber angles and stacking *** to control the thermal postbuckling and no...
Rational design of monovalent ions (Li,Na,K) co-doped ZnAl2O4:Eu3+ nanocrystals enabling versatile robust latent fingerprint visualization
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《Journal of Rare Earths》2019年 第7期37卷 699-705页
作者:F.Femila Komahal H.Nagabhushana R.B.Basavaraj G.P.Darshan Hajeebaba K.Inamdar S.C.Sharma B.Daruka PrasadC.N.R.Rao Centre for Advanced Materials ResearchTumkur UniversityTumkur-572 103India Department of PhysicsAcharya Institute of Graduate StudiesBangalore-560 107India Department of PhysicsJ.B.Institute of Engineering&Technology(Autonomous)MoinabadPR.DistrictHyderabad-75India National Assessment and Accreditation CouncilBangalore 560 072India Department of PhysicsB.M.S.Institute of TechnologyVisveswaraya Technological UniversityBangalore 560064India 
Alkali metal ions(M+ = Na+,Li+,K+) co-doped ZnAl2O4:Eu3+(5 mol%)(ZAE) nanopowders(NPs) were prepared via solution combustion route using Mimosa pudica(MP) leaves extract as a fuel. PXRD results of co-doped samples enh...
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《Science China Materials》2023年 第10期66卷 3865-3874页
作者:高曼 刘静静 叶龚兰 赵忠坤 柳建斌 何观朝 龚智超 黄康 孙洪涛 费慧龙Advanced Catalytic Engineering Research Center of the Ministry of EducationState Key Laboratory for Chemo/Biosensing and Chemometricsand College of Chemistry and Chemical EngineeringHunan UniversityChangsha 410082China The Harold&Inge Marcus Department of Industrial&Manufacturing EngineeringMaterials Research Institute(MRI)The Pennsylvania State UniversityUniversity Park 16802PennsylvaniaUSA 
Modulating vectored non-covalent interactions for layered assembly with engineerable properties
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《Bio-Design and Manufacturing》2022年 第3期5卷 529-539页
作者:Jiahao Zhang Sarah Guerin Haoran Wu Bin Xue Yi Cao Syed A.M.Tofail Yancheng Wang Damien Thompson Wei Wang Kai Tao Deqing Mei Ehud GazitState Key Laboratory of Fluid Power and Mechatronic SystemsSchool of Mechanical EngineeringZhejiang UniversityHangzhou 310027China Future Science Research InstituteHangzhou Global Scientific and Technological Innovation CenterZhejiang UniversityHangzhou 311200China Department of Physics and Bernal InstituteUniversity of LimerickCastletroyCo.LimerickLimerick V94T9PXIreland National Laboratory of Solid State MicrostructureDepartment of PhysicsNanjing UniversityNanjing 210093China Key Laboratory of Advanced Manufacturing Technology of Zhejiang ProvinceSchool of Mechanical EngineeringZhejiang UniversityHangzhou 310027China School of Molecular Cell Biology and BiotechnologyGeorge S.Wise Faculty of Life SciencesTel Aviv University6997801 Tel AvivIsrael Department of Materials Science and EngineeringIby and Aladar Fleischman Faculty of EngineeringTel Aviv University6997801 Tel AvivIsrael 
Vectored non-covalent interactions—mainly hydrogen bonding and aromatic interactions—extensively contribute to(bio)-organic self-assembling processes and significantly impact the physicochemical properties of the as...
Stoichiometry design in hierarchical CoNiFe phosphide for highly efficient water oxidation
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《Science China Materials》2022年 第10期65卷 2685-2693页
作者:Jiangbo Chen Jie Ying Yuxuan Xiao Yuan Dong Kenneth IOzoemena Silvia Lenaerts Xiaoyu YangState Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology for Materials Synthesis and ProcessingSchool of Materials Science and Engineering&Shenzhen Research Institute&Joint Laboratory for Marine Advanced Materials in Pilot National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology(Qingdao)Wuhan University of TechnologyWuhan 430070China School of Chemical Engineering and TechnologySun Yat-sen UniversityZhuhai 519082China Molecular Sciences InstituteSchool of ChemistryUniversity of the WitwatersrandPrivate Bag 3Johannesburg 2050South Africa Research Group Sustainable EnergyAir and Water TechnologyDepartment of Bioscience EngineeringUniversity of AntwerpAntwerp 2020Belgium School of Engineering and Applied SciencesHarvard UniversityCambridgeMassachusetts 02138USA 
Rational composition design of trimetallic phosphide catalysts is of significant importance for enhanced surface reaction and efficient catalytic ***,hierarchical Co_(x)Ni_(y)Fe_(z)P with precise control of stoichiome...
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《Science China Materials》2023年 第11期66卷 4275-4284页
作者:祁志祥 祝祺 王健 曹月德 陈奉锐 王江伟 陈旸 郑功 陈光State Key Laboratory of Advanced Casting Technologies MIIT Key Laboratory of Advanced Metallic and Intermetallic Materials Technology Engineering Research Center of Materials Behavior and DesignMinistry of EducationNanjing University of Science and TechnologyNanjing 210094China Center of Electron MicroscopyState Key Laboratory of Silicon and Advanced Semiconductor MaterialsSchool of Materials Science and EngineeringZhejiang UniversityHangzhou 310027China Department of Mechanical&Materials EngineeringUniversity of Nebraska-LincolnLincolnNE 68583USA 
An indicator of designing layered sodium-ion oxide materials
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《Science Bulletin》2021年 第8期66卷 753-754页
作者:Xin Cao Haoshen ZhouNational Laboratory of Solid State Microstructures&Department of Energy Science and EngineeringNanjing UniversityNanjing 210093China Energy Technology Research InstituteNational Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology(AIST)Tsukuba 305-8568Japan Graduate School of System and Information EngineeringUniversity of TsukubaTsukuba 305-8573Japan 
Sodium-ion batteries have been achieving widespread attentions in grid-scale electrical energy storage systems owing to their earth abundant resources[1].However,the energy-density ceiling from cathode materials has b...
Additive nanomanufacturing of lab-on-a-chip fluorescent peptide nanoparticle arrays for Alzheimer's disease diagnosis
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《Bio-Design and Manufacturing》2018年 第3期1卷 182-194页
作者:Leming Sun Zhen Fan Tao Yues Jun Yin Jianzhong FU Mingjun ZhangDepartment of Biomedical Engineering College ofEngineering Ohio State University Columbus OH 43210USA School of Life Sciences Northwestern PolytechnicalUniversity Xi'an 710072 Shaanxi China Department of Polymeric Materials School of MaterialScience and Engineering Tongji UniversityShanghai 201804 China Institute for Advanced Study TongjiUniversity Shanghai 200092 China School of Mechatronic Engineering and AutomationShanghai University Shanghai 200444 China The State Key Laboratory of Fluid Power and Mechatronic Systems School of Mechanical Engineering ZhejiangUniversity Hangzhou 310028 China Key Laboratory of 3D Printing Process and Equipment of Zhejiang Province School of Mechanical EngineeringZhejiang University Hangzhou 310028 China Dorothy M. Davis Heart & Lung Research Institute The OhioState University Wexner Medical Center Columbus OH43210 USA Interdisciplinary Biophysics Graduate Program Ohio StateUniversity Columbus OH 43210 USA 
This paper proposes an additive nanomanufacturing approach to fabricate a personalized lab-on-a-chip fluorescent peptide nanoparticles (f-PNPs) array for simultaneous multi-biomarker detection that can be used in Al...
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