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《明日风尚》2009年 第11期 66-66页
作者:Tan Connie Tse 不详 Artek Michael Roberts Maconochie Photography 
喜欢与别不同的人多半亦会爱用有特别味道的香水。怎样才算是特别的味道?立即联想起Commedes Garcons的香水创意总监ChristianAstuguevieille在1994年时创出的一款颜色如尿液,以塑胶袋包装的香水,另外奇怪的味道还有如指甲油的味道、橡...
Multifunctional two-dimensional glassy graphene devices for vis-NIR photodetection and volatile organic compound sensing
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《Science China Materials》2021年 第8期64卷 1964-1976页
作者:Xiao Li Xiao Dai Hao Xu Kai Shen Jian Guo Caihong Li Guifu Zou Kwang-Leong Choy Ivan PParkin Zhengxiao Guo Huiyun Liu Jiang WuDepartment of Electronic and Electrical EngineeringUniversity College LondonTorrington PlaceLondon WC1E 7JEUnited Kingdom Institute of Fundamental and Frontier SciencesUniversity of Electronic Science and Technology of ChinaChengdu 610054China School of EnergySoochow Institute for Energy and Materials Innovationsand Key Laboratory of Advanced Carbon Materials and Wearable Energy Technologies of Jiangsu ProvinceSoochow UniversitySuzhou 215006China Department of ChemistryUniversity College London20 Gordon StreetLondon WC1H 0AJUnited Kingdom Institute for Materials DiscoveryUniversity College LondonRoberts BuildingMalet PlaceLondon WC1E 7JEUnited Kingdom Departments of Chemistry and Mechanical EngineeringThe University of Hong KongHong Kong SARChina Zhejiang Institute of Research and InnovationThe University of Hong KongQingshan Lake SciTech CityHangzhou 311305China 
Multifunctional devices are of great interest for integration and miniaturization on the same platform, but simple addition of functionalities would lead to excessively large devices. Here, the photodetection and chem...
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