
检索条件"机构=School of Clinical Sciences"
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Carrier-adjuvanted immunostimulator to boost photodynamicimmunotherapy by downregulating PD-L1 and impairing ATP hydrolysis
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《Science China Materials》2025年 第2期68卷 626-639页
作者:Yi Cen Ying Chen Hua Cai Xinxuan Li Xiayun Chen Qianqian Liu Baixue Yu Yibin Liu Tao Wang Shiying LiThe Fifth Affiliated HospitalGuangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Molecular Target&Clinical Pharmacologythe NMPA and State Key Laboratory of Respiratory Diseasethe School of Pharmaceutical SciencesGuangzhou Medical UniversityGuangzhou 511436China Graduate SchoolGuangzhou University of Chinese MedicineGuangzhou 510006China Department of Pulmonary and Critical Care MedicineZhujiang HospitalSouthern Medical UniversityGuangzhou 510280China 
Immune evasion behavior and immunosuppressive characteristics of tumor extensively impedethe immune initiation effect of therapy triggered immunogeniccell death (ICD). In this work, a carrier-adjuvantedimmunostimulato...
Design and Analysis of Post-marketing Research
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《Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine》2013年 第7期19卷 488-493页
作者:周晓华 杨伟Department of BiostatisticsSchool of Public HealthUniversity of Washington School of StatisticsRenmin University of China Biostatistics UnitVA Seattle Medical Center Institute of Basic Research in Clinical MedicineChina Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences 
A post-marketing study is an integral part of research that helps to ensure a favorable risk-benefit profile for approved drugs used in the market. Because most of post-marketing studies use observational designs, whi...
Tattoos as a window to the psyche:How talking about skin art can inform psychiatric practice
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《World Journal of Psychiatry》2017年 第3期7卷 148-158页
作者:Hannah Roggenkamp Andrew Nicholls Joseph M PierreMental Illness ResearchEducation and Clinical CenterVA Puget Sound Healthcare System VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral SciencesDavid Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA 
Tattooing the skin as a means of personal expression is a ritualized practice that has been around for centuries across many different ***,the symbolic meaning of tattoos has evolved over time and is highly individual...
Conducting polymer engineered covalent organic framework as a novel electrochemical amplifier for ultrasensitive detection of acetaminophen
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《Chinese Chemical Letters》2021年 第6期32卷 2061-2065页
作者:Yao Xie Yuling Chen Xin Sun Yang Wang Yi WangSchool of Chemistry and Chemical EngineeringYangzhou UniversityYangzhou 225002China Engineering Research Center of Clinical Functional Materials and Diagnosis&Treatment Devices of Zhejiang ProvinceWenzhou InstituteUniversity of Chinese Academy of SciencesWenzhou 325001China 
Two-dimensional covalent organic framework(COF)has distinctive properties that offer potential opportunities for developing advanced electrode *** this work,a core-shell material composed of TAPB-DMTP-COF(TAPB,1,3,5-t...
Population-based Cohort Study in Outcome of Phased Progression of Atherosclerosis in China (PERSUADE): objective, rationale and design
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《Journal of Geriatric Cardiology》2017年 第8期14卷 491-495页
作者:Dong-Kai SHAN Yong ZHOU You-Xin WANG Xiang GAO Wei WANG Jun-Jie YANG Yun-Dai CHENDepartment of Cardiology Chinese PLA General Hospital Beijing China Beijing Institute of Heart Lung and Blood Vessel Diseases Beijing Anzhen Hospital Capital Medical University Beijing China Beijing Municipal Key Laboratory of Clinical Epidemiology School of Public Health Capital Medical University Beijing China Department of Nutritional Science Pennsylvania State University PA USA School of Medical Sciences Edith Cowan University Perth Australia Division of Epidemiology and Biostatistics School of Public Health University of Queensland Brisbane Australia 
The coronary artery calcification score and pericardial fat volume have recently been reported to be strongly associated with the severity and presence of coronary atherosclerosis. However, no studies have explored th...
Engineered nanoparticles circumvent the adaptive treatment tolerance to immune-checkpoint blockade therapy
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《Science China Chemistry》2019年 第12期62卷 1557-1560页
作者:Weisheng Guo Lu Liu Chenyang Xiang Jingqi Chen Xing-Jie LiangTranslational Medicine CenterKey Laboratory of Molecular Target&Clinical Pharmacology and the State Key Laboratory of Respiratory DiseaseSchool of Pharmaceutical Sciences&The Second Affiliated HospitalGuangzhou Medical UniversityGuangzhou 510260China CAS Key Laboratory for Biomedical Effects of Nanomaterials and NanosafetyCAS Center for Excellence in NanoscienceNational Center for Nanoscience and Technology of ChinaBeijing 100190China 
The fight against cancer has witnessed the rapid develop・ment of various therapeutic methodologies,including chemotherapy,surgery,radiotherapy,phototherapy,and the emerging immunotherapy[1].However,malignancies evolve...
The effects of oral smokeless tobacco administration on endurance performance
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《Journal of Sport and Health Science》2018年 第4期7卷 465-472页
作者:Thomas Zandonai Enrico Tam Paolo Bruseghini Fabio Pizzolato Loretta Franceschi Massimo Baraldo Carlo Capelli Paola Cesari Cristiano ChiamuleraNeuropsychopharmacology LaboratoryDepartment of Diagnostic and Public HealthUniversity of VeronaVerona 37134Italy MindBrain and Behavior Research Center CIMCYCDepartment of Experimental PsychologyUniversity of GranadaGranada 18071Spain Department of NeurosciencesBiomedicine and Movement SciencesSchool of Exercise and Sport ScienceUniversity of VeronaVerona 37131Italy Department of Experimental and Clinical Medical SciencesUniversity of UdineUdine 33100Italy Department of Physical PerformancesNorwegian School of Sport SciencesOslo N-0806Norway): Corresponding author.E-mail address:thomas.zandonai@univr.itContributed equally to this manuscript. 
Background: Smokeless tobacco is widely used by athletes to enhance performance. Nicotine is a central nervous system stimulant and acts on cardiocirculatory and metabolic systems, involving tissue blood flow and cir...
Symposia Report Immunoglobulin G for the Treatment of Chronic Pain:Report of an Expert Workshop
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《中国疼痛医学杂志》2014年 第11期20卷 769-777页
作者:Stefano Tamburin Kristian Borg Xavier J. Caro Stefano Jann Alexander J. Clark Francesca Magrinelli Gen Sobue Lars Werhagen Giampietro Zanette Haruki Koike Peter J. Spath Angela Vincent Andreas GoebelDepartment of Neurological and Movement Sciences University of Verona Verona Department of Neurosciences Hospital Niguarda Ca Granda Milan Section of Neurology Pederzoli Hospital Peschiera del Garda Verona Italy Division of Rehabilitation Medicine Department of Clinical Sciences Karolinska Institute at Danderyds Hospital Stockholm Sweden Division of Rheumatology David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA Los Angeles California USA Department of Neurology Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine Nagoya Japan Department of Anesthesia Pain Management and Perioperative Medicine Dalhousie University Halifax Nova Scotia Canada Institute of pharmacology University of Bern Bern Switzerland Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences University of Oxford Oxford Pain Research Institute University of Liverpool Clinical Sciences Building University Hospital Aintree Liverpool UK 
Analysis of reimbursement policy for outpatient chronic diseases in basic medical insurance for urban residents in China provincial capitals
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《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical sciences2021年 第10期30卷 845-850页
作者:Ningtai Luo Yajuan Xiong Li Liu Bin Jiang Jianying YueDepartment of Administrative and Clinical PharmacySchool of Pharmaceutical SciencesPeking University Health Science CenterBeijing 100191China School of Health HumanitiesPeking University Health Science CenterBeijing 100191China 
Reimbursement policy for outpatient chronic diseases is an important part of the basic medical insurance scheme in China. The reimbursement policy for outpatient chronic diseases in basic medical insurance for urban r...
Investigation of bone reconstruction using an attenuated immunogenicity xenogenic composite scaffold fabricated by 3D printing
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《Bio-Design and Manufacturing》2020年 第4期3卷 396-409页
作者:Qiongxi Pan Chenyuan Gao Yingying Wang Yili Wang Cong Mao Quan Wang Sophia N.Economidou Dennis Douroumis Feng Wen Lay Poh Tan Huaqiong LiSchool of Biomedical EngineeringSchool of Ophthalmology and Optometry and Eye HospitalWenzhou Medical UniversityWenzhou 325035Zhejiang ProvincePeople’s Republic of China Engineering Research Center of Clinical Functional Materials and Diagnosis and Treatment Devices of Zhejiang ProvinceWenzhou InstituteUniversity of Chinese Academy of SciencesWenzhou 325011Zhejiang ProvincePeople’s Republic of China Key Laboratory of Orthopedics of Zhejiang ProvinceDepartment of OrthopedicsThe Second Affiliated Hospital and Yuying Children’s Hospital of Wenzhou Medical UniversityWenzhou 325027Zhejiang ProvincePeople’s Republic of China Medway School of PharmacyUniversity of KentMedway CampusCentral AvenueChatham MaritimeChathamKent ME44TBUK CIPERCentre for Innovation and Process Engineering ResearchKent ME44TBUK School of Chemical and Biomedical EngineeringNanyang Technological UniversitySingapore 637459Singapore School of Materials Science and EngineeringNanyang Technological UniversitySingapore 639798Singapore 
Bone is known to have a natural function to heal ***,if the bone damage is beyond a critical degree,intervention such as bone grafting may be *** this work,the fabrication of a novel bone scaffold composed of natural ...
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