
检索条件"机构=School of Jet Propulsion"
9 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
Application of Tandem Cascade to Design of Fan Stator with Supersonic Inflow
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《Chinese Journal of Aeronautics》2010年 第1期23卷 9-14页
作者:Li Qiushi,Wu Hong,Zhou Sheng school of jet propulsion,Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Beijing 100191,ChinaSchool of Jet Propulsion Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Beijing 100191 China 
This article proposes a tandem cascade constructed to tackle the thorny problem of designing the high-loaded stator with a supersonic inflow and a large turning angle. The front cascade adopts a supersonic profile to ...
Application and Comparison of SST Model in Numerical Simulation of the Axial Compressors
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《Journal of Thermal Science》2010年 第4期19卷 300-309页
作者:YIN Song~1,JIN Donghai~2,GUI Xingmin~3 and ZHU Fang Aero-Engines Simulation Research Center,school of jet propulsion,Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing,100191,ChinaAero-Engines Simulation Research Center School of Jet Propulsion Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Beijing China 
The shear-stress transport(SST)turbulence model is incorporated into Navier-Stokes equations to simulate a turbomachinery flowfield.A staggered finite volume method is used to make the mean flow equations and turbulen...
Numerical design optimization of compressor blade based on ADOP
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《航空动力学报》2007年 第11期22卷 1903-1908页
作者:JIN Dong-hai GUI Xing-minSchool of Jet PropulsionBeijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Beijing 100083 China 
An aerodynamic design optimization platform(ADOP) has been *** numerical optimization method is based on genetic algorithm(GA),Pareto ranking and fitness sharing *** platform was used for design optimization of the st...
The Design and Performance of a High Temperature Rise Combustor for Wind Tunnel
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《Journal of Thermal Science》2011年 第6期20卷 556-562页
作者:Zhang Rongchun Fan WeijunNational Key Laboratory on Aero-Engines School of Jet Propulsion Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Beijing 100191 China 
A high-temperature-rise combustor that can be used in high-temperature wind tunnel is introduced in this *** kerosene is used in this type of combustor,with division combustion scheme and evaporator fuel-supply device...
Flow Field Measurements in the Cavity of a Trapped Vortex Combustor Using PIV
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《Journal of Thermal Science》2012年 第4期21卷 359-367页
作者:Zhang Rongchun Fan WeijunNational Key Laboratory on Aero-Engines School of Jet Propulsion Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Beijing 100191 China 
The experimental research on cavity flow field plays an important part in the structural design and optimization study of trapped vortex combustor (TVC). Many of the previous flow field experiments were conducted in t...
Effects of Suction Side Squealer Tip on the Performance of a Low-Speed Axial Compressor
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《Journal of Thermal Science》2012年 第3期21卷 223-229页
作者:Jun Zhang Hongwei Ma Jingyang LiSchool of Jet PropulsionBeihang UniversityXueyuan Road 37BeijingChina Shenyang Aeroengine Research InstituteAviation Industry Corporation of ChinaShenyangChina 
This paper presents the investigation of the effects of suction side squealer tip on the performance of an axial compressor. The experiment is carded out in a single-stage large-scale low-speed compressor. The investi...
Vibration Characteristics of Mistuned Bladed Disks
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《Computer Aided Drafting,Design and Manufacturing》2010年 第1期20卷 25-30页
作者:MYAT SoeSchool of Jet PropulsionBeijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics 
The finite element models of blade, disk and bladed disk are built up by finite element software ANSYS. The natural frequencies of the single blade, the whole bladed disk and the bladed disk with only one sector by cy...
Analysis of Film Cooling Effectiveness on Shaped Hole and Antivortex Hole
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《Computer Aided Drafting,Design and Manufacturing》2010年 第2期20卷 30-35页
作者:MAY Kyu Kyu SoeSchool of Jet PropulsionBeijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics 
Film cooling is introduction of a secondary fluid (coolant or injected fluid) at one or more discrete locations along a surface exposed to a high temperature environment to protect that surface not only in the immed...
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《中国科学(D辑)》2008年 第3期38卷 384-396页
作者:刘阳 陈丹 Ralph A.Kahn 贺克斌Harvard University School of Public Health Boston MA 02215 USA 清华大学环境科学与工程系北京100084 Jet Propulsion Laboratory/California Institute of Technology Pasadena CA 91109 USA 
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