
检索条件"机构=School of Medicine and Public Health"
62 条 记 录,以下是11-20 订阅
Design of ultrahigh-affinity and dual-specificity peptide antagonists of MDM2 and MDMX for P53 activation and tumor suppression
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《Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B》2021年 第9期11卷 2655-2669页
作者:Xiang Li Neelakshi Gohain Si Chen Yinghua Li Xiaoyuan Zhao Bo Li William D.Tolbert Wangxiao He Marzena Pazgier Honggang Hu Wuyuan LuSchool of PharmacySecond Military Medical UniversityShanghai 200433China Institute of Human Virology and Department of Biochemistry and Molecular BiologyUniversity of Maryland School of MedicineBaltimoreMD 21201USA School of MedicineShanghai UniversityShanghai 200444China Institute of Translational MedicineShanghai UniversityShanghai 200444China State Key Laboratory of Rare Earth Resource UtilizationChangchun Institute of Applied ChemistryChinese Academy of SciencesChangchun 130022China Department of Talent Highlandthe First Affiliated Hospital of Xi’an Jiaotong UniversityXi’an 710061China Key Laboratory of Medical Molecular Virology(MOE/NHC/CAMS)of School of Basic Medical Sciences and Shanghai Institute of Infectious Disease and Biosecurity of School of Public HealthFudan UniversityShanghai 200032China 
Peptide inhibition of the interactions of the tumor suppressor protein P53 with its negative regulators MDM2 and MDMX activates P53 in vitro and in vivo,representing a viable therapeutic strategy for cancer *** phage ...
Angiotensin Ⅱ receptor blockers and gastrointestinal adverse events of resembling sprue-like enteropathy:a systematic review
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《Gastroenterology Report》2019年 第3期7卷 162-167,I0001页
作者:Ayesha Kamal Christopher Fain Angela Park Peiqi Wang Eduardo Gonzalez-Velez Daniel A.Leffler Susan M.HutflessDepartment of MedicineDivision of GastroenterologyJohns Hopkins UniversityBaltimoreMDUSA Johns HopkinsDepartment of Surgery and Surgical SciencesJohns Hopkins UniversityBaltimoreMDUSA Division of GastroenterologyBeth Israel Deaconess Medical CenterBostonMAUSA Department of EpidemiologyJohns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public HealthBaltimoreMDUSA 
Background:Olmesartan,an angiotensin Ⅱ receptor blocker(ARB),is associated with gastrointestinal symptoms resembling sprue-like *** have proposed that enteropathy may be a class effect rather than *** performed a sys...
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《北京大学学报(自然科学版)》2019年 第3期55卷 501-508页
作者:谢天宁 林岩 邱兴华环境模拟与污染控制国家重点联合实验室北京大学环境科学与工程学院北京100871 Department of Environmental Health Sciences Jonathan and Karin Fielding School of Public Health and Division of Cardiology Department of Medicine School of Medicine University of CaliforniaLos Angelesca90095 
Development and evaluation of the Directive and Nondirective Support Scale for Patients with Type 2 Diabetes
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《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》2020年 第4期7卷 453-459,I0007页
作者:Xuxi Zhang Xing Zhang Fengbin Wang Shiyan Wu Kang Hu Mayinuer Yusufu Xinying Sun Edwin B.FisherDepartment of Social Medicine and Health EducationSchool of Public HealthPeking UniversityBeijingChina Beijing Tongren HospitalCapital Medical UniversityBeijing Tongren Eye CenterBeijing Institute of OphthalmologyBeijing Key Laboratory of Ophthalmology and Visual ScienceChina Gillings School of Global Public HealthUniversity of North CarolinaNorth CarolinaUSA 
Objectives:This study aims to develop the Directive and Nondirective Support Scale for Patients with Type 2 Diabetes(DNSS-T2DM)to measure diabetes-specific support and patients’preference as well as evaluate the cons...
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《英国医学杂志中文版》2016年 第9期6卷 499-507页
作者:Colette Browning Anna Chapman Hui Yang Shuo Liu Tuohong Zhang Joanne C Enticott Shane A ThomasRDNS Institute Melbourne Victoria Australia Faculty of Medicine Nursing and Health Sciences School of Primary Health Care Monash University Melbourne Victoria Australia International Institute for Primary Health Care Research Shenzhen China. RDNS Institute Melbourne Victoria Australia Faculty of Medicine Nursing and Health Sciences School of Primary Health Care Monash University Melbourne Victoria Australia. Faculty of Medicine Nursing and Health Sciences School of Primary Health Care Monash University Melbourne Victoria Australia International Institute for Primary Health Care Research Shenzhen China. Beijing Office for Cancer Prevention and Control Peking University Cancer Hospital and Institute Beijing China. School of Public Health Peking University Health Science Centre Beijing China. RDNS Institute Melbourne Victoria Australia Faculty of Medicine Nursing and Health Sciences School of Primary Health Care Monash University Melbourne Victoria Australia School of Clinical Sciences Monash University Melbourne Victoria Australia. 
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《中西医结合学报》2012年 第7期10卷 743-750页
作者:David Sibbritt Pamela van der Riet Saowapa Dedkhard Kannapatch SrithongSchool of Medicine and Public HealthFaculty of HealthUniversity of NewcastleNewcastle 2308Australia School of Nursing and MidwiferyFaculty of HealthUniversity of NewcastleNewcastle 2308Australia Department of International AffairsBoromarajonani College of NursingNakhon LampangMuangLampang 52000Thailand 
Seniors’ experiences of visual art environmental enrichment
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《Open Journal of Nursing》2013年 第2期3卷 163-168页
作者:Lars Olov Bygren Birgitta Nasman Britt-Maj Wikstrom Benson BKonlaan Ann-Brith Karlsson Eva Elgh Andrej MGrjibovski Sven SandströmDepartment of Biosciences and NutritionKarolinska InstituteHuddingeSweden Department of Community Medicine and RehabilitationUniversity of UmeaUmeaSweden Oslo and Akershus University CollegeFaculty of Health SciencesOsloNorway Swedish Red Cross University College of NursingStockholmSweden Norwegian Institute of Public HealthOsloNorway International School of Public HealthNorthern State Medical UniversityArkhangelskRussia Department of Art HistoryUniversity of LundLundSweden 
The present study aimed at determining whether short-term exposure to art in shared common areas in congregate housing units could affect health and health determinants among the residents. Ten residents (mean age 80....
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《Engineering》2023年 第2期21卷 195-202,M0008页
作者:韩莎莎 张婷 吕岩 赖圣杰 戴佩希 郑建东 杨维中 周晓华 冯录召Beijing International Center for Mathematical ResearchPeking UniversityBeijing 100871China Harvard Medical SchoolHarvard UniversityBostonMA 02115USA School of Population Medicine and Public HealthChinese Academy of Medical Sciences&Peking Union Medical CollegeBeijing 100730China Academy for Advanced Interdisciplinary StudiesPeking UniversityBeijing 100871China WorldPopSchool of Geography and Environmental ScienceUniversity of SouthamptonSouthampton SO171BJUK Division for Infectious DiseasesChinese Center for Disease Control and PreventionBeijing 102206China Department of Epidemiology and BiostatisticsSchool of Public HealthPeking UniversityBeijing 100871China National Engineering Laboratory of Big Data Analysis and Applied TechnologyPeking UniversityBeijing 100871China 
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《英国医学杂志中文版》2020年 第1期23卷 19-28页
作者:冯倚(译) 周傲霜 邹华春 Suzanne M Ingle Margaret T May 蔡卫平 Chien-Yu Cheng 杨祖耀 唐金陵 冯琦(译) 唐金陵(译)Division of EpidemiologyJockey Club School of Public Health and Primary CareChinese University of Hong KongHong KongChina School of Public Health(Shenzhen)Sun Yat-Sen UniversityShenzhenChina Kirby InstituteUniversity of New South WalesSydneyAustralia Population Health SciencesBristol Medical SchoolUniversity of BristolBristolUK Department of Infectious DiseaseGuangzhou Eighth People′s HospitalGuangzhouChina Division of Infectious DiseasesDepartment of Internal MedicineTaoyuan General HospitalMinistry of Health and WelfareTaoyuanTaiwanChina School of Public HealthNational Yang-Ming UniversityTaipeiTaiwanChina Shenzhen Key Laboratory for Health Risk AnalysisShenzhen Research Institute of the Chinese University of Hong KongShenzhenChina 香港中文大学公共卫生及基层医疗学院 
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《美国医学会杂志(中文版)》2004年 第5期23卷 240-244页
作者:李颖 郁琦Division of Public Health Sciences Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Seattle Wash and Department of Epidemiology School of Public Health and Community Medicine Division of Public Health Sciences Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Seattle Wash Department of Epidemiology School of Public Health and Community Medicine Division of Human Biology Department of Pathology School of Medicine University of Washington Seattle Division of Public Health Sciences Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Seattle Wash Department of Epidemiology School of Public Health and Community Medicine Division of Public Health Sciences 
背景:妇女应用雌孕激素联合替代治疗(combined estrogen and progestine hormone replacement therapy,CHRT)会增加乳腺癌的危险;然而,目前仍缺乏长期使用和不同治疗方案所致危险性的资料。目的:通过组织病理学类型及激素受体状况...
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