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《英国医学杂志中文版》2015年 第10期18卷 587-593页
作者:Hsien Seow associate professor Kevin Brazil professor of palliative care Jonathan Sussman associate professor Jose Pereira head of division of paUiative medicine Denise Marshall associate professor Peter C Austin professor Amna Husain associate professor Jagadish Rangrej senior biostattsttctan Lsa Barbera associate professor 饶洁 于世英Department of Oncology McMaster University HamiltonOntario LSV 5C2 Canada School of Nursing and Midwifery Queen's University BelfastBelfast UK Division of Palliative Care Faculty of Medicine University ofOttawa Ottawa Ontario Canada Department of Family Medicine McMaster UniversityHamilton Ontario Canada Institute for Health Policy Management and Evaluation DallaLana School of Public Health University of Toronto TorontoOntario Canada Department of Family and Community Medicine University ofToronto Toronto Ontario Canada institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Toronto OntarioCanada Department of Radiation Oncology Institute of Health PolicyManagement and Evaluation University of Toronto TorontoOntario Canada 华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院 
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《国际结核病与肺部疾病杂志》2002年 第2期 65-70页
作者:S.J.O'Boyle J.J.Power M.Y.Ibrahim J.P.Watson 邹级谦University of Leeds School of Medicine Leeds UK Unit of Infectious Diseases Public Health Department Sabah Borneo Malaysia Department of Respiratory Medicine Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust Leeds General Infirmary Leeds UK 
背景:马来西亚,沙巴,Kota Kinabalu及其周边社区。 目的:了解影响抗结核化疗病人依从性的诸因素,以及他们的结核病知识水平及和DOTS管理的改进意见。 设计:对2000年8月至9月期间到诊所DOTS治疗的合作及不合作病人进行家庭访视。 结果:...
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《国际结核病与肺部疾病杂志》2000年 第Z1期 90-98页
作者:S.E.Weis B.Foresman K.J.Matty A.Brown F.X.Blais G.Burgess B.King P.E.Cook P.C.Slocum 贺晓新University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth Texas Department of Health Austin Texas University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth Division of Pulmonary Allergy Critical Care and Occupational Medicine Indiana University School of Medicine University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth Tarrant County Public Health Department Texas USA 
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《美国医学会杂志(中文版)》2006年 第4期25卷 249-251页
作者:Richard Neugebauer 张继志(译)Epidemiology of Developmental Brain Disorders Department New York State Psychiatric Institute Faculty of Medicine College of Physicians and Surgeons Columbia University New York and Department of Intemational Health and Development School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine Tulane University New Orleans La. 不详 
应用QuantiFERON-TB GOLD in-tube法检测HIV感染病人的潜伏性结核菌感染
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《国际结核病与肺部疾病杂志》2008年 第2期3卷 63-68页
作者:S. Jones D. de Gijsel F. R. Wallach A. C. Gurtman Q. Shi H. Sacks 夏辉(译) 黄海荣(校) 何广学(审)Division of International Medicine and Infectious Diseases Weill Medical College of Cornell University New York AIDS Center Mount Sinai School of Medicine New York Division of Infectious Diseases Department of Medicine Mount Sinai School of Medicine New York Wyeth Vaccine Research Pearl Rive School of Public Health New York Medical College Valhalla Department of Community and Preventive Medicine Mount Sinai School of Medicine New York New York USA 不详 
地点:市中心人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)门诊部目标:在存在潜伏性结核感染(LTBI)危险因素的HIV感染人群中评估结核菌素皮肤试验(TST)和QuantiFERON-TB GOLD(QFT-G)试验。实验设计:对已知的LTBI危险因素与早期分泌性靶抗原6(ESAT-6)和培养分...
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《美国医学会杂志(中文版)》2008年 第2期27卷 67-75页
作者:Erik Ingelsson,MD,PhD Ernst J. Schaefer, MD JohnH.Contois,PhD JudithR.McNamara,MT LisaSullivan,PhD Michelle J.Keyes,MA MichaelJ.Pencina,PhD Christopher Schoonmaker,MA PeterW.F.Wilson,MD RalphB.D’Agostino,PhD RamachandranS.Vasan,MD 顾佳(译)The Framingham Study Boston University School of Medicine Framingham Lipid Metabolism Laboratory Jean Mayer US Department of Agriculture Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University Boston Departments of Biostatistics School of Public Health Mathematics and Statistics Preventive Medicine Cardiology Section School of Medicine Boston University Boston Massachusetts and Cardiology Division Department of Medicine Emory University School of Medicine Atlanta Georgia 不详 
背景:对于载脂蛋白与传统脂质测量指标预测冠心病(coronaryheartdisease,CHD)危险的性能,目前有关证据尚有矛盾。目的:采用鉴别和标准化特征(discrimination and calibration characteristics)以及危险再分类对不同脂质测量指...
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《营养健康新观察》2014年 第1期 37-38页
作者:G Sacks M Rayner L Stockley P Scarborough W Snowdon B Swinburn 刘轶群Deakin Population HealthDeakin University British Heart Foundation Health Promotion Research GroupDepartment of Public HealthUniversity of Oxford Pacific Research Centre for the Prevention of Obesity and Non-communicable Diseases(C-POND)Fiji School of Medicine 
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《英国医学杂志中文版》1998年 第1期1卷 28-31页
作者:Zarrina Kurtz Pat Tookey Euan Ross 包新华Department of Epidemiology and Public HealthInstitute of Child Health University College London Medical SchoolLondon WC1N 1EH senior Lecturer Department of Epidemiology and Public HealthInstitute of Child Health University College London Medical School London WC1N 1EH research fellow Department of Community Paediatrics King's College School of Medicine and Dentistry London Se11 4QW professor 
目的:评估英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士儿童及青年人癫痫发病率及患病率。设计:对1958年3月3日至9日间生于英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士的17 414名儿童作前瞻性研究,分别于7岁、11岁、16岁及23岁进行随访。在28岁时对伴有癫痫的患者进行了回顾。...
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《英国医学杂志中文版》2010年 第4期13卷 236-237页
作者:Ase Vikanes Rolv Skjarven Andrej M Grjibovski Nina Gunnes Siri Vangen Per Magnus 沈洁(译) 杨孜(校)Division of Epidemiology Norwegian Institute. of Public Health PO Box 4404 Nydalen N-0403 Oslo Norway Department of Pubiic Health and Primary Health Care University of Bergen Norway Department of Infectious Diseases Epidemiology Norwegian Institute of Public Health Norway Institute of Community Medicine University of Troms Norway International .School of Public Health Northern State Medical University Arkhangelsk Russia National Resource Centre for Women's Health Deparment of Obstetrics and Gyruaecology Oslo University Hospital Norway Institute of General Practice and Community. Medicine University of Oslo Norway 北京大学第三医院妇产科 
目的 若亲代患妊娠剧吐,评估其子代妊娠剧吐的复发风险。设计 基于人群的队列研究。资料 来自挪威的注册数据。研究对象 1967--2006年挪威医学出生登记的生育链接数据资料:544087对母女及399777对母子:主要观察指标在患妊娠剧吐妇女...
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《国际结核病与肺部疾病杂志》2009年 第4期4卷 156-162页
作者:E. T. Richardson S-Y. G. Lin B. A. Pinsky E. Desmond N.Banaei 黄海荣(译) 刘宇红(审校)Department of Pathology Stanford University School of Medicine Stanford California Microbial Diseases Laboratory California Department of Public Health Richmond California Clinical Microbiology Laboratory Stanford Hospital and Clinics Palo Alto California USA 
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