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《美国医学会杂志(中文版)》2007年 第4期26卷 208-216页
作者:John R. Crouse Ⅲ Joel S. Raichlen Ward A. Riley Gregory W. Evans Mike K. Palmer Daniel H. O' Leary Diederick E. Grobbee Michiel L. Bots 李军(译)Wake Forest University School of Medicine Medical Cel. ter Blvd Winston-SaJem NC 27157 Departments of Neurology Wake Forest University Winston- Salem NC Departments of Public Health Sciences Wake Forest University Winston- Salem NC AstraZeneca Wilmington Del AstraZeneca Macclesfield England Caritas Carney Hospital Boston Mass Department of Epidemiology Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care University Medical Center Utrecht Utrecht the Netherlands 不详 
背景:动脉粥样硬化往往在机体出现症状之前就已有所进展。目前,我们尚不清楚Framingham风险评分(Framinghaln risk score,FRS)较低的轻中度亚临床动脉粥样硬化中年人群是否能从治疗中获益。目的:评价为期2年的他汀类药物治疗能否...
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《英国医学杂志中文版》2010年 第2期13卷 108-109页
作者:Nien-Chen Li Austin Lee Rachel A Whitmer Miia Kivipelto Elizabeth Lawler Lewis E Kazis Benjamin Wolozin 夏曙(译) 于世英(校)Center for the Assessment of Pharmaceutical Practices and Pharmaceutical Assessment Management and Policy Program Department of Health Policy and Management Boston University School of Public Health Boston MA USA Center for Health Quality Outcomes and Economic Research Veteran Affairs Medical Center Bedford MA Department of Surgery Massachusetts General Hospital Boston MA Division of Research Epidemiology Etiology and Prevention Kaiser Permanente Oakland CA USA Aging Research Center Karolinska Institute Stockholm Sweden MAVERIC VA Cooperative Studies Program Boston MA Department of Pharmacology and Department of Neurology Boston University School of Medicine Boston MA 02118-2526 USA 华中科技大学同济医院肿瘤科 
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《英国医学杂志中文版》2006年 第1期9卷 16-19页
作者:Tim C Clayton Stuart J Pocock Jacobus Lubsen Zoltán Vokó Bridget-Anne Kirwan Keith A A Fox Philip A Poole-WilsonDepartment ofEpidemiology andPopulation HealthLondon School of Hygiene andTropical MedicineLondon  Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics Erasmus Medical Centre 3000 DR Rotterdam Netherlandsprofessor School of Public Health University of Debrecen H-4028 Debrecen Hungary assistant professor SOCAR Research SA PO Box 2564 CH-1260 Nyon 2 Switzerland director Cardiovascular Research UnitEdinburghUniversityEdinburghEH16 4SBprofessor CardiovascularSciences NationalHeart and LungInstitute ImperialCollege LondonLondon SW3 6LYprofessor 
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《英国医学杂志中文版》2010年 第1期13卷 16-26页
作者:Angela Harden Ginny Brunton Adam Fletcher Ann Oakley 郭齐(译) 潘凌亚(校) 张拓红(校)Institute of Health and Human Development University of East London London E154LZ Social Science Research Unit Institute of Education University of London London WC1H0NR Department of Public Health & PolicyLondon School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine London WC1E7H 北京协和医院妇产科 北京大学公共卫生学院卫生政策与管理学系 
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《感染、炎症、修复》2024年 第1期25卷 1-22页
作者:Sicco A.Bus David G.Armstrong Ryan T.Crews Catherine Gooday Gustav Jarl Klaus Kirketerp-Moller Vijay Viswanathan Peter A.Lazzarini on behalf of the International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot 陈燕 刘斌 张晓诗 邓武权(译) 王爱萍 许樟荣(审校)Amsterdam UMCUniversity of AmsterdamDepartment of Rehabilitation MedicineAmsterdamthe Netherlands Amsterdam Movement Sciencesprogram Rehabilitation&DevelopmentAmsterdamthe Netherlands Southwestern Academic Limb Salvage Alliance(SALSA)Department of SurgeryKeck School of Medicine of University of Southern California(USC)Los AngelesCaliforniaUSA Dr.William M.Scholl College of Podiatric Medicine's Center for Lower Extremity Ambulatory Research(CLEAR)at Rosalind Franklin UniversityNorth ChicagoIllinoisUSA Elsie Bertram Diabetes CentreNorfolk and Norwich University HospitalsNorwichUK Department of Prosthetics and OrthoticsFaculty of Medicine and HealthÖrebro UniversityÖrebroSweden University Health Care Research CenterFaculty of Medicine and HealthÖrebro UniversityÖrebroSweden Copenhagen Wound Healing CenterBispebjerg University HospitalCopenhagenDenmark Steno Diabetes CenterCopenhagenDenmark MV Hospital for DiabetesChennaiIndia School of Public Health and Social WorkQueensland University of TechnologyBrisbaneAustralia Allied Health Research CollaborativeThe Prince Charles HospitalBrisbaneAustralia 不详 重庆大学附属中心医院重庆400014 东部战区空军医院糖尿病足中心江苏南京210002 战略支援部队特色医学中心北京100101 
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《美国医学会杂志(中文版)》2005年 第6期24卷 323-329页
作者:Peter M. Okin, MD Richard B. Devereux, MD Sverker Jern, MD Sverre E. Kjedsen, MD,PhD Stevo Julius, MD, ScD Markkus S. Nieminen, MD, PhD Steven Snapinn, PhD Katherine E. Harris, DrPH Peter Aurup, MD Jonathan M. Edelman, MD Hans Wedel, PhD Lars H. Lindholm, MD, PhD Bjorn Dahlof MD, PhD 倪靖炜(译) 沈卫峰(校)Department of Medicine Division of Cardiology Cornell University Medical Center New York NY Sahlgrenska University Hospital/OEstra Goeteborg Sweden Ulleval University Hospital Oslo Norway University of Michigan Medical Center Ann Arbor Division of Cardiology Department of Medicine Helsinki University Central Hospital Helsinki Finland Amgen Inc Thousand Oaks Calif Merck Research Laboratories West Point Pa Merck & Co Inc Whitehouse Station NJ Nordic School of Public Health Gbteborg Sweden Umea. University Umea Sweden 不详 
背景:心电图左心室肥厚(left ventficular hypertophy,LVH)是心血管并发症及死亡的强预测指标。然而,在抗高血压治疗期间心电图LVH程度变化的预测价值仍不清楚。目的:验证抗高血压治疗期间心电图LVH程度越轻,心血管并发症与死亡...
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《英国医学杂志中文版》2016年 第1期19卷 27-36页
作者:吕筠 祁禄 余灿清 杨玲 郭彧 陈怡平 卞铮 孙点剑一 杜建伟 格鹏飞 唐振柱 侯伟 李艳杰 陈君石 陈铮鸣 李立明北京大学公共卫生学院中国北京 Department of Nutrition Harvard School of Public HealthBoston Massachusetts USA Channing Division of Network Medicine Department of Medicine Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School Boston Massachusetts USA Clinical Trial Service Unit & Epidemiological Studies Unit (CTSU) Nuffield Department of Population Health University of Oxford UK 中国医学科学院中国北京 海南省疾病预防控制中心中国海南 甘肃省疾病预防控制中心中国甘肃 广西壮族自治区疾病预防控制中心中国广西壮族自治区 青岛市李沧区疾病预防控制中心中国山东 南岗区疾病预防控制中心中国黑龙江 国家食品安全风险评估中心中国北京 
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《英国医学杂志中文版》2022年 第6期25卷 325-337页
作者:张誉清 焦睿珉 Claudia M Witt 劳力行 刘建平 Lehana Thabane Karen J Sherman Mike Cummings Dawn P Richards Eun-Kyung Anna Kim Tae-Hun Kim Myeong Soo Lee Michael E Wechsler Benno Brinkhaus Jun J Mao Caroline A Smith 岗卫娟 刘保延 刘志顺 刘岩 郑晖 吴佳霓 AloBSO Carrasco-Labra Mohit Bhandari Philip J Devereaux 景向红 Gordon Guyatt中国中医科学院针灸研究所 中国中医科学院广安门医院中加整合医学循证医学研究合作中心 Department of Health Research MethodsEvidenceand ImpactMcMaster UniversityHamiltonONCanada 宁波诺丁汉大学宁波诺丁汉GRADE中心 中国中医药循证医学中心 Institute for Complementary and Integrative MedicineUniversity Hospital Zurich and University of ZurichZurichSwitzerland Virginia University of Integrative MedicineFairfaxVAUSA 北京中医药大学循证医学中心 北京中医药大学国际循证中医药研究院 Department of MedicineFaculty of Health SciencesMcMaster UniversityHamiltonONCanada Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research InstituteSeattle WAUSA Department of EpidemiologyUniversity of WashingtonSeattle WAUSA British Medical Acupuncture SocietyLondonUK Patient and Public EngagementClinical Trials OntarioTorontoONCanada Department of Western MedicineVirginia University of Integrative MedicineFairfaxVAUSA Korean Medicine Clinical Trial CenterSeoulRepublic of Korea Korean Medicine HospitalSeoulRepublic of Korea Kyung Hee UniversitySeoulRepublic of Korea Clinical Medicine DivisionKorea Institute of Oriental MedicineDaejeonRepublic of Korea Korean Convergence MedicineUniversity of Science and TechnologyDaejeonRepublic of Korea National Jewish HealthDenverCOUSA Institute of Social MedicineEpidemiology and Health EconomicsCharitéUniversit?ts medizin BerlinFreie Universit?t Berlin and Humboldt-Universittzu BerlinBerlinGermany Integrative Medicine ServiceMemorial Sloan Kettering Cancer CenterBendheim Integrative Medicine CenterNew YorkNY USA Translational Health Research InstituteWestern Sydney UniversityPenrithNew South WalesAustralia 中国中医科学院 中国中医科学院广安门医院 北京中医药大学东直门医院中医内科学教育部重点实验室 成都中医药大学针灸推拿学院/第三附属医院 Center for Integrative Global Oral HealthSchool of Dental MedicineUniversity of PennsylvaniaPhiladelphiaPAUSA 
本针刺随机对照试验(Randomised controlled trials, RCT)专家共识是基于目前针刺试验面临的最普遍、最关键问题,由临床医生、研究人员、从事针灸和外科的临床试验专家、统计专家、临床流行病学和方法学专家以及患者组成的国际临床研究...
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《英国医学杂志中文版》1998年 第3期1卷 113-118页
作者:Y Ben-Shlomo A Churchyard J Head B Hurwitz P Overstall J Ockelford A J Lees 秦斌 曾湘豫 刘士民senior lecturer in clinical epidemiology Department of Social MedicineUniversity of BristolBristol BS8 2PR Kate Stillman research fellow University College London HospitalsLondon WC1 lecturer in statistics continued over Department of Epidemiology and Public HealthUniversity College London Medical SchoolLondon WC1E 6BT senior lecturer in primary care Department of Primary Health Care and General PracticeImperial College School of MedicineLondon W2 1PG senior lecturer in primary care Hereford General HospitalHereford HR1 2PA research administrator Parkinson's Disease Research Group of the United KingdomNational Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery research administrator consultant newrologist National Hospital for Neurology and NeurosurgeryLondon WC1N 3BG 
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《感染.炎症.修复》2019年 第3期20卷 158-177页
作者:Sicco A.Bus David G.Armstrong Catherine Gooday Gustav Jarl Carlo F.Caravaggi Vijay Viswanathan Peter A.Lazzarini 姜晓燕 向柯旭 徐俊 邓武权(译) 许樟荣(审校)Department of Rehabilitation MedicineAcademic Medical CenterUniversity of AmsterdamAmsterdamThe Netherlands Southwestern Academic Limb Salvage Alliance(SALSA)Department of SurgeryKeck School of Medicine of University of Southern California(USC)Los AngelesCaliforniaUSA Norfolk and Norwich University HospitalsUK Orebro UniversitySweden Diabetic Foot ClinicIstituto Clinico CittàStudiMilanItaly Vita-Salute San Raffaele UniversityMilanItaly MV Hospital for Diabetes ChennaiIndia School of Public Health and Social WorkQueensland University of TechnologyBrisbaneAustralia Allied Health Research CollaborativeThe Prince Charles HospitalBrisbaneAustralia International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot(IWGDF) 重庆大学附属中心医院重庆400014 天津医科大学朱宪彝纪念医院天津300134 战略支援部队特色医学中心北京100101 
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