
检索条件"机构=School of Physics Science and Engineering"
202 条 记 录,以下是11-20 订阅
Design of Time-Resolved Shifted Dual Transmission Grating Spectrometer for the X-Ray Spectrum Diagnostics
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《Plasma science and Technology》2016年 第7期18卷 781-785页
作者:王保清 易涛 王传珂 朱效立 李廷帅 李晋 刘慎业 江少恩 丁永坤Research Center of Laser Fusion China Academy of Engineering Physics School of Energy Science and Engineering University of Electronic Science and Technology of China Institute of Atomic and Molecular Physics Sichuan University Institute of Microelectronics Chinese Academy of Sciences 
A new time-resolved shifted dual transmission grating spectrometer (SDTGS) is designed and fabricated in this work. This SDTGS uses a new shifted dual transmission grating (SDTG) as its dispersive component, which...
Design and realization of high precision FBG rain gauge based on triangle cantilever beam and its performance research
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《Optoelectronics Letters》2015年 第3期11卷 229-232页
作者:蓝若明 曹玉强College of Physics and Electronics Shandong Normal University School of Control Science and Engineering Shandong University 
A novel fiber Bragg grating (FBG) rain gauge is proposed in this paper to achieve high precision rainfall measurement. One core sensitive FBG, a temperature compensation FBG and a mechanical transition system constr...
Strain and interfacial engineering to accelerate hydrogen evolution reaction of two-dimensional phosphorus carbide
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《Chinese physics B》2021年 第2期30卷 449-456页
作者:Tao Huang Yuan Si Hong-Yu Wu Li-Xin Xia Yu Lan Wei-Qing Huang Wang-Yu Hu Gui-Fang HuangDepartment of Applied PhysicsSchool of Physics and ElectronicsHunan UniversityChangsha 410082China Department of PhysicsKashgar UniversityKashgar 844006China College of Physics and Electronic EngineeringHengyang Normal UniversityHengyang 421002China School of Materials Science and EngineeringHunan UniversityChangsha 410082China 
Hydrogen,regarded as a promising energy carrier to alleviate the current energy crisis,can be generated from hydrogen evolution reaction(HER),whereas its efficiency is impeded by the activity of ***,effective strategi...
A biosensor based on graphene nanoribbon with nanopores:a first-principles devices-design
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《Chinese physics B》2011年 第5期20卷 455-459页
作者:欧阳方平 彭盛霖 张华 翁立波 徐慧School of Physics Science and TechnologyCentral South University College of Chemistry and Molecular EngineeringBeijing National Laboratory for Molecular SciencesPeking University 
A biosensor device, built from graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) with nanopores, was designed and studied by first- principles quantum transport simulation. We have demonstrated the intrinsic transport properties of the d...
Metal-organic decomposition growth of thin film metastable perovskite nickelates with kinetically improved quantum transitions
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《International Journal of Minerals,Metallurgy and Materials》2023年 第12期30卷 2441-2450页
作者:Haiyan Li Yuzhao Wang Fanqi Meng Wei Mao Xingzhong Cao Yi Bian Hao Zhang Yong Jiang Nuofu Chen Jikun ChenBeijing Advanced Innovation Center for Materials Genome EngineeringSchool of Materials Science and EngineeringUniversity of Science and Technology BeijingBeijing 100083China School of Renewable EnergyNorth China Electric Power UniversityBeijing 102206China School of Materials Science and EngineeringPeking UniversityBeijing 100871China School of EngineeringThe University of Tokyo2-11-16 YayoiBunkyo-kuTokyo 113-0032Japan Institute of High Energy PhysicsChinese Academy of SciencesBeijing 100049China 
The multiple quantum transitions within d-band correlation oxides such as rare-earth nickelates(RENiO_(3))triggered by critical temperatures and/or hydrogenation opened up a new paradigm for correlated electronics app...
Design of novel power splitters by directional coupling between photonic crystal waveguides
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《Optoelectronics Letters》2010年 第6期6卷 417-420页
作者:高永锋 周骏 周明 陈明阳 张伟School of Mechanical EngineeringJiangsu University Department of PhysicsFaculty of ScienceNingbo University Center for Photon Fabrication Science and TechnologyJiangsu University 
The design of a novel photonic crystal waveguide power splitter is *** proposed power splitter has three output ports,the coupling among three parallel photonic crystal waveguides can be considered as a multimode inte...
Design,Synthesis,and Optical/Electronic Properties of a Series of Sphere-Rod Shape Amphiphiles Based on the C60-oligofluorene Conjugates
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《Chinese Journal of Polymer science2017年 第4期35卷 503-514页
作者:Fu-ai Teng Feng-li Liu Lu Han Zheng-ju Zhu Yi-fang Zhang Zhi-jin Wu 韩哲文 张文彬 李慧School of Materials Science and EngineeringEast China University of Science and TechnologyShanghai 200237China Key Laboratory of Polymer Chemistry and Physics of Ministry of EducationCollege of Chemistry and Molecular EngineeringCenter for Soft Matter Science and EngineeringPeking UniversityBeo'ing 100871China 
A series of sphere-rod shape amphiphiles were designed and synthesized by connecting the rod-like oligofluorenes with different lengths (OF,) to the different positions of the spherical [60]fullerene (C60) through...
Design and verification of a broadband highly-efficient plasmonic circulator
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《Chinese physics B》2021年 第3期30卷 248-252页
作者:Jianfei Han Shu Zhen Weihua Wang Kui Han Haipeng Li Lei Zhao Xiaopeng ShenSchool of Materials Science and PhysicsChina University of Mining and TechnologyXuzhou 221116China School of Information and Control EngineeringChina University of Mining and TechnologyXuzhou 221116China 
Circulators play a significant role in radar and microwave communication *** paper proposes a broadband and highly efficient plasmonic circulator,which consists of spoof surface plasmon polaritons(SSPPs)waveguides and...
Design principles in MOF-derived electromagnetic wave absorption materials:Review and perspective
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《International Journal of Minerals,Metallurgy and Materials》2023年 第3期30卷 405-427页
作者:Zhenguo Gao Kai Yang Zehao Zhao Di Lan Qian Zhou Jiaoqiang Zhang Hongjing WuSchool of Chemistry and Chemical EngineeringNorthwestern Polytechnical UniversityXi’an 710072China MOE Key Laboratory of Material Physics and Chemistry Under ExtraordinarySchool of Physical Science and TechnologyNorthwestern Polytechnical UniversityXi’an 710072China College of ScienceXi’an University of Posts and TelecommunicationsXi’an 710121China 
At present,metal-organic framework(MOF)-derived nano-micro architectures are actively explored for electromagnetic(EM)wave absorption owing to their flexible composition and structural manipulation that enhance dielec...
A Unifi ed Geometric Rule for Designing Nanomagnetism in Graphene
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《Nano Research》2008年 第6期1卷 497-501页
作者:Decai Yu Elizabeth M.Lupton H.J.Gao Chao Zhang Feng LiuDepartment of Materials Science and EngineeringUniversity of UtahSalt Lake CityUT 84112USA Institute of PhysicsChinese Academy of ScienceBeijing 100080China School of Engineering PhysicsUniversity of WollongongNSW 2522Australia 
Based on the underlying graphene lattice symmetry and an itinerant magnetism model on a bipartite lattice,we propose a unifi ed geometric rule for designing graphene-based magnetic nanostructures:spins are parallel(fe...
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