
检索条件"机构=School of Physics Science and Technology"
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science China Materials》2023年 第2期66卷 567-576页
作者:玄晓阳 钱敏 潘丽坤 陆婷 高阳 钮月萍 龚尚庆School of PhysicsEast China University of Science and TechnologyShanghai 200237China Shanghai Key Laboratory of Magnetic ResonanceSchool of Physics and Electronic ScienceEast China Normal UniversityShanghai 200241China Key Laboratory for Ultrafine Materials of Ministry of EducationShanghai Engineering Research Center of Hierarchical NanomaterialsSchool of Materials Science and EngineeringEast China University of Science and TechnologyShanghai 200237China School of Mechanical and Power EngineeringEast China University of Science and TechnologyShanghai 200237China 
具有电化学变色功能的柔性电池在智能电子领域显示出巨大的应用潜力.然而,具有可视化电量预警功能的镍锌电池目前尚未见报道.在此,我们设计了一种用于柔性镍锌电池的电致变色镍钴氢氧化物/镍/氧化铟锡(NiCo BH/Ni/ITO)柔性电极.通过优...
Suppressing the metal-metal interaction by CoZn_(0.5)V_(1.5)O_(4)derived from two-dimensional metal-organic frameworks for supercapacitors
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science China Materials》2022年 第1期65卷 105-114页
作者:Fang Yuan Guohua Gao Xiaodi Jiang Wenchao Bi Yixuan Su Jingwen Guo Zhihao Bao Jun Shen Guangming WuShanghai Key Laboratory of Special Artificial Microstructure Materials and TechnologySchool of Physics Science and EngineeringTongji UniversityShanghai 200092China College of ScienceUniversity of Shanghai for Science and TechnologyShanghai 200093China 
Co_(2)VO_(4) with Co tetrahedrons and octahedrons of transition metal oxides has achieved progress in electrocatalysts and ***,high metal-metal interactions make it challenging to maintain high reactivity as well as i...
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science Bulletin》2023年 第19期68卷 2247-2267,M0004页
作者:甘山 孙浩轩 李宸 豆达 李亮School of Physical Science and TechnologyJiangsu Key Laboratory of Thin FilmsCenter for Energy Conversion Materials&Physics(CECMP)Soochow UniversitySuzhou 215006China 
Single-atom catalysts based on polarization switching of ferroelectric In_(2)Se_(3) for N_(2) reduction
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《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》2024年 第8期63卷 244-257页
作者:Nan Mu Tingting Bo Yugao Hu Ruixin Xu Yanyu Liu Wei ZhouDepartment of PhysicsTianjin Key Laboratory of Low Dimensional Materials Physics and Preparing TechnologySchool of ScienceTianjin UniversityTianjin 300072China College of Physics and Materials ScienceTianjin Normal UniversityTianjin 300387China 
The polarization switching plays a crucial role in controlling the final products in the catalytic *** effect of polarization orientation on nitrogen reduction was investigated by anchoring transition metal atoms to f...
Retarded layered-to-spinel phase transition in structure reinforced birnessite with high Li content
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science Bulletin》2021年 第3期66卷 219-224,M0003页
作者:Xiaohui Zhu Qiuying Xia Xinyi Liu Qinghua Zhang Jing Xu Baowei Lin Shuang Li Yuhang Zhuang Ce Qiu Liang Xue Lin Gu Hui XiaSchool of Materials Science and EngineeringNanjing University of Science and TechnologyNanjing 210094China Herbert Gleiter Institute of NanoscienceNanjing University of Science and TechnologyNanjing 210094China Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter PhysicsInstitute of PhysicsChinese Academy of SciencesBeijing 100190China 
Layered lithium manganese-rich oxides are promising cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries(LIBs),due to the low-cost,abundant manganese source,and large theoretical ***,these layered lithium manganese-rich oxides...
Experimental design and theoretical evaluation of nitrogen and phosphorus dual-doped hierarchical porous carbon for high-performance sodium-ion storage
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《Journal of Materials science & technology2021年 第17期76卷 11-19页
作者:Chen Chen Ying Huang Zhuoyue Meng Mengwei Lu Zhipeng Xu Panbo Liu Tiehu LiMOE Key Laboratory of Material Physics and Chemistry Under Extraordinary ConditionsSchool of Chemistry and Chemical EngineeringNorthwestern Polytechnical UniversityXi'an710072China College of Chemistry&Chemical EngineeringXi'an University of Science and TechnologyXi'an710072China Shaanxi Joint Laboratory of GrapheneNorthwestern Polytechnical UniversityXi'an710072China 
Starch has a wide range of sources and can be used as a high-quality precursor for sodium-ion battery anode ***,the carbonization yield and specific capacity of carbon materials obtained by directly pyrolyzing starch ...
Design and testing of an internal hot-cathode-type PIG ion source for superconducting cyclotron
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《Nuclear science and Techniques》2019年 第6期30卷 10-15页
作者:Shi-Wen Xu Yun-Tao Song Gen Chen Yu-Qian Chen Liu-Si Sheng Man-Man Xu Oleg Karamyshev Galina Karamysheva Grigori ShirkovUniversity of Science and Technology of China No. 443 HuangShan Road Hefei 230026 China Institute of Plasma Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences Hefei 230031 China East China University of Technology Nanchang 330013 China School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering Anhui Polytechnic University Wuhu 241000 China Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) Dubna Russia 
The superconducting cyclotron SC200 is intended to generate a 200 MeV, 400 nA proton beam for future particle therapy. The internal hot-cathode-type Penning ionization gauge (PIG) ion source for the SC200 is designed ...
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science China Materials》2023年 第11期66卷 4226-4232页
作者:赵航 周靖 刘霄 尚宝双 闫玉强 丁勇 孙保安 张博 柯海波 白海洋 汪卫华School of PhysicsLiaoning UniversityShenyang 110036China Songshan Lake Materials LaboratoryDongguan 523808China School of Physics Science and TechnologyXinjiang UniversityUrumqi 830046China Institute of PhysicsChinese Academy of SciencesBeijing 100190China 
通过原子制造技术构建独特的纳米尺度结构可能是改善金属玻璃(MG)薄膜机械性能的有效途径.在此,我们使用脉冲激光沉积作为原子制造策略,制备了一种Ta基金属玻璃.TaNi MG具有小尺寸纳米晶体(1-4纳米)弥散在非晶基体上的双相纳米结构,因...
Synthesis of biodegradable Mg-Zn alloy by mechanical alloying: Statistical prediction of elastic modulus and mass loss using fractional factorial design
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《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》2018年 第4期28卷 687-699页
作者:Emee Marina SALLEH Zuhailawati HUSSAIN Sivakumar RAMAKRISHNANBiomaterials Niche AreaSchool of Materials and Mineral Resources EngineeringEngineering CampusUniversiti Sains Malaysia14300 Nibong TebalPenangMalaysia School of Applied PhysicsFaculty of Science and TechnologyUniversiti Kebangsaan Malaysia43600 UKM BangiSelangorMalaysia 
Biodegradable Mg-Zn alloy was synthesized using mechanical alloying where a statistical model was developed using fractional factorial design to predict elastic modulus and mass loss of the bulk *** effects of mechani...
Characterization of local chemical ordering and deformation behavior in high entropy alloys by transmission electron microscopy
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《International Journal of Minerals,Metallurgy and Materials》2024年 第5期31卷 877-886页
作者:Qiuhong Liu Qing Du Xiaobin Zhang Yuan Wu Andrey A.Rempel Xiangyang Peng Xiongjun Liu Hui Wang Wenli Song Zhaoping LüBeijing Advanced Innovation Center for Materials Genome EngineeringState Key Laboratory for Advanced Metals and MaterialsUniversity of Science and Technology BeijingBeijing 100083China School of Materials Science and EngineeringOcean University of ChinaQingdao 266100China Institute of Metallurgy of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of SciencesEkaterinburg 620016Russia China Nuclear Power Technology Research Institute Co.Ltd.Shenzhen 518000China Institute of High Energy PhysicsChinese Academy of Sciences(CAS)Beijing 100049China Spallation Neutron Source Science CenterDongguan 523803China 
Short-range ordering(SRO)is one of the most important structural features of high entropy alloys(HEAs).However,the chemical and structural analyses of SROs are very difficult due to their small size,complexed composit...
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