
检索条件"机构=School of Public Policy and Management"
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A Comparison and Path Exploration for Oyster Shell Pollution management Scenarios-Based on an Evolutionary Game Perspective
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《Journal of Resources and Ecology》2024年 第6期15卷 1518-1529页
作者:LI Xueyuan ZHENG Yongping HUANG SenweiInstitute of Science and DevelopmentChinese Academy of SciencesBeijing 100190China School of Public Policy and ManagementUniversity of Chinese Academy of SciencesBeijing 100049China School of Public Administration and LawFujian Agriculture and Forestry UniversityFuzhou 350002China 
Different symbiotic scenarios were designed and combined with oyster shell pollution managementcases in two different counties(labeled A and H in this study)using symbiosis theory and a game simulation modelto investi...
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《英国医学杂志中文版》2020年 第1期23卷 10-13页
作者:Mylène Lagarde Luis Huicho Irene Papanicolas 陈素会(译) 周子君(审校)Department of Health PolicyLondon School of EconomicsLondonUK Centro de Investigación en Salud Materna e Infantil and Centro de Investigación para el Desarrollo Integral y SostenibleUniversidad Peruana Cayetano HerediaLimaPeru Department of Health Policy and ManagementHarvard T H Chan School of Public HealthBostonMAUSA 北京大学公共卫生学院 
关键点政策决策者在设计改善医疗的政策时,需要超越传统的财务激励。卫生专业人员受到一系列因素的激励,既有外在因素,也有内在因素。专注于这些其他激励措施或对激励进行组合可能更为有效。Mylène Lagarde、Luis Huicho和Irene Pa...
Design and implementation of a survey of senior Canadian healthcare decision-makers: Organization-wide resource allocation processes
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《Health》2012年 第11期4卷 1007-1014页
作者:Neale Smith Craig Mitton Alan Davidson Jennifer Gibson Stuart Peacock Stirling Bryan Cam Donaldsonaculty of Health and Social Development University of British Columbia Okanagan Kelowna Canada Canadian Centre for Applied Research in Cancer Control (ARCC) Vancouver Canada Centre for Clinical Epidemiology & Evaluation Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute Vancouver Canada epartment of Health Policy Management & Evaluation University of Toronto Toronto Canada Glasgow Caledonian University Glasgow UK School of Population and Public Health University of British Columbia Vancouver Canada 
A three-year research project based in British Columbia, Canada, is attempting to develop a framework and tools to assist healthcare system decision-makers achieve “high performance” in resource allocation. In pursu...
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《英国医学杂志中文版》2021年 第11期24卷 646-655页
作者:Luke Wolfenden Robbie Foy Justin Presseau Jeremy M Grimshaw Noah M Ivers Byron J Powell Monica Taljaard John Wiggers Rachel Sutherland Nicole Nathan Christopher M Williams Melanie Kingsland Andrew Milat Rebecca K Hodder Sze Lin Yoong 玉炫(译) 吴守媛(译) 兰慧(译) 张静怡(译) 李沁原(校) 陈耀龙(校)School of Medicine and Public HealthFaculty of Health and MedicineUniversity of NewcastleCallaghanNSWAustralia Hunter New England Population HealthLocked Bag 10WallsendNSW 2287Australia Leeds Institute of Health SciencesUniversity of LeedsLeedsUK Clinical Epidemiology ProgramOttawa Hospital Research InstituteOttawaONCanada School of Epidemiology and Public HealthUniversity of OttawaOttawaONCanada Department of MedicineUniversity of OttawaOttawaONCanada Women′s College Research InstituteWomen′s College HospitalTorontoONCanada Institute for Health Systems Solutions and Virtual CareWomen′s College HospitalTorontoONCanada Department of Family Medicine and Community MedicineFaculty of MedicineUniversity of TorontoTorontoONCanada Institute of Health PolicyManagement and EvaluationUniversity of TorontoTorontoONCanada Brown School and School of MedicineWashington University in St LouisSt LouisMIUSA School of Public HealthFaculty of Medicine and HealthUniversity of SydneySydneyNSWAustralia Swinburne University of TechnologySchool of Health SciencesFaculty HealthArts and DesignHawthornVICAustralia 兰州大学循证医学中心世界卫生组织指南实施与知识转化合作中心 
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《英国医学杂志中文版》2015年 第2期18卷 83-89页
作者:李静 Kumar Dharmarajan 李希 Zhenqiu Lin Sharon-Lise T. Normand Harlan M. Krumholz 蒋立新 代表中国冠心病医疗结果评价和临床转化研究协作组中国医学科学院北京协和医学院阜外心血管病医院国家心血管病中心 Center for Outcomes Research and Evaluation Yale-NewHaven Hospital New Haven Connecticut USA Division of Cardiology Columbia University Medical CenterNew York New York USA Department of Biostatistics Harvard School of Public HealthBoston Massachusetts USA Department of Health Care Policy Harvard Medical SchoolBoston Massachusetts USA Section of Cardiovascular MedicineJohnson Clinical Scholars ProgramMedicine Yale University School ofConnecticut USAand the Robert WoodDepartment of InternalMedicine New Haven Department of Health Policy and Management Yale School ofPublic Health New Haven Connecticut USA 
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《英国医学杂志中文版》2015年 第10期18卷 587-593页
作者:Hsien Seow associate professor Kevin Brazil professor of palliative care Jonathan Sussman associate professor Jose Pereira head of division of paUiative medicine Denise Marshall associate professor Peter C Austin professor Amna Husain associate professor Jagadish Rangrej senior biostattsttctan Lsa Barbera associate professor 饶洁 于世英Department of Oncology McMaster University HamiltonOntario LSV 5C2 Canada School of Nursing and Midwifery Queen's University BelfastBelfast UK Division of Palliative Care Faculty of Medicine University ofOttawa Ottawa Ontario Canada Department of Family Medicine McMaster UniversityHamilton Ontario Canada Institute for Health Policy Management and Evaluation DallaLana School of Public Health University of Toronto TorontoOntario Canada Department of Family and Community Medicine University ofToronto Toronto Ontario Canada institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Toronto OntarioCanada Department of Radiation Oncology Institute of Health PolicyManagement and Evaluation University of Toronto TorontoOntario Canada 华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院 
The Role of Synthetic Biology in Atmospheric Greenhouse Gas Reduction: Prospects and Challenges
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《BioDesign Research》2020年 第1期2020卷 1-8页
作者:Charles DeLisi Aristides Patrinos Michael MacCracken Dan Drell George Annas Adam Arkin George Church Robert Cook-Deegan Henry Jacoby Mary Lidstrom Jerry Melillo Ron Milo Keith Paustian John Reilly Richard J.Roberts Daniel Segrè Susan Solomon Dominic Woolf Stan D.Wullschleger Xiaohan YangDepartment of Biomedical Engineering and Program in BioinformaticsCollege of EngineeringBoston UniversityBoston MA 02215USA The NOVIM GroupKohn HallUC Santa BarbaraCA 93106USA Climate InstituteWashingtonDCUSA Department of EnergyWashingtonDCUSA Center for Health LawEthics&Human Rights at the Boston University School of Public HealthSchool of MedicineBoston UniversityUSA Department of BioengineeringUniversity of CaliforniaBerkeley CAUSA Department of GeneticsHarvard Medical SchoolCambridge MAUSA School for the Future of Innovation in SocietyArizona State UniversityBarrett&O’Connor Washington Center1800 I StreetNWWashingtonDC 20006USA Sloan School of ManagementMITCambridge MAUSA Department of Chemical EngineeringUniversity of WashingtonSeattle WashingtonUSA The Ecosystems Center of the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods HoleMAUSA Department of Plant and Environmental SciencesWeizmann Institute of ScienceRehovotIsrael Department of Soil and Crop SciencesColorado State UniversityFort Collins CO 80523USA MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global ChangeMITCambridge MAUSA New England BiolabsBeverly MAUSA Department of Biology and Program in BioinformaticsBoston UniversityBoston MA 02215USA Department of EarthAtmospheric and Planetary SciencesMITCambridge MAUSA Soil and Crop Sciences SectionSchool of Integrated Plant SciencesCornell UniversityIthaca NYUSA Environmental Sciences DivisionOak Ridge National LaboratoryOak Ridge TNUSA Biosciences DivisionOak Ridge National LaboratoryOak RidgeTNUSA 
The long atmospheric residence time of CO2 creates an urgent need to add atmospheric carbon drawdown to CO2 regulatory *** and systems biology(SSB),which enables manipulation of cellular phenotypes,offers a powerful a...
China Patient-centered Evaluative Assessment of Cardiac Events Prospective Study of Acute Myocardial Infarction: Study Design
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《Chinese Medical Journal》2016年 第1期129卷 72-80页
作者:Rachel P Dreyer Xi Li Xue Du Nicholas S Downing Li Li Hai-Bo Zhang Fang Feng Wen-Chi Guan Xiao Xu Shu-Xia Li Zhen-Qiu Lin Frederick A Masoudi John A Spertus Harlan M Krumholz Li-Xin JiangNational Clinical Research Center of Cardiovascular Diseases State Key Laboratory of Cardiovascular Disease Fuwai Hospital National Center for Cardiovascular Diseases Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College Beijing 100037 China Center for Outcomes Research and Evaluation Yale-New Haven Hospital New Haven Connecticut USA Section of Cardiovascular Medicine Department of Internal Medicine Yale School of Medicine New Haven Connecticut USA Department of Obstetrics Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences Yale School of Medicine New Haven Connecticut USA Division of Cardiology University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus Aurora Colorado USA Department of Biomedical and Health Informatics University of Missouri - Kansas City Kansas City Missouri USA Saint Luke's Mid America Heart Institute Kansas City Missouri USA The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Clinical Scholars Program Department of Internal Medicine Yale School of Medicine New Haven Connecticut USA Department of Health Policy and Management Yale School of Public Health New Haven Connecticut USA 
Background: Despite the rapid growth in the incidence of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) in China, there is limited information about patients' experiences after AMI hospitalization, especially on long-tern1 adv...
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《中华医院管理杂志》2017年 第12期33卷 916-921页
作者:张萍 王芳 叶贝珠 王玙璠 蒋红卫 孙奕 王乔凤 谢小华 Xi Zhu 张乃兴 梁渊华中科技大学同济医学院公共卫生学院武汉430030 中山大学附属第三医院岭南医院护理部 深圳市第二人民医院护理部 Department of Health Policy and Management School of Public Health University of Iowa USA 深圳市卫生和计划生育委员会医政处 
目的了解我国护理人员正向执业环境状况及其影响因素,以期为改善其执业环境提供依据和建议。方法采用横断面设计,于2014年7月至2015年5月对7个省/直辖市77家公立医院的5 374名护士进行正向执业环境调查,包括护患关系(外部)和组织...
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《英国医学杂志中文版》2010年 第2期13卷 108-109页
作者:Nien-Chen Li Austin Lee Rachel A Whitmer Miia Kivipelto Elizabeth Lawler Lewis E Kazis Benjamin Wolozin 夏曙(译) 于世英(校)Center for the Assessment of Pharmaceutical Practices and Pharmaceutical Assessment Management and Policy Program Department of Health Policy and Management Boston University School of Public Health Boston MA USA Center for Health Quality Outcomes and Economic Research Veteran Affairs Medical Center Bedford MA Department of Surgery Massachusetts General Hospital Boston MA Division of Research Epidemiology Etiology and Prevention Kaiser Permanente Oakland CA USA Aging Research Center Karolinska Institute Stockholm Sweden MAVERIC VA Cooperative Studies Program Boston MA Department of Pharmacology and Department of Neurology Boston University School of Medicine Boston MA 02118-2526 USA 华中科技大学同济医院肿瘤科 
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