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Teaching for physical literacy: Implications to instructional design and PETE
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《Journal of sport and Health science2015年 第2期4卷 150-155页
作者:Stephen Silverman Kevin MercierTeachers College Columbia University Exercise Science Health Studies Physical Education and Sport Management Adelphi University 
Physical education teachers play an important role in helping students' development of the motor skills needed to be physically literate individuals. Research suggests that teacher made instructional design decisions...
The Promotion and Practice of Physical Activity in the United States
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《中国运动医学杂志》2016年 第10期35卷 957-965页
作者:Li Changqing Steven N. Blair Xiong KaiyuSport Science College Beijing Sport UniversityBeijing 100084 China Arnold School of Public Health University of South Carolina Columbia SC USA 29208 Teaching and Experimental CenterBeijing Sport UniversityBeijing 100084 China 
规律的体力活动有助于提高人的健康状况及生活质量。然而,美国《2020健康人群》中的数据显示,仅有18.8%的美国成年人达到了《2008美国人体力活动指南》(2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans)中提出的有关有氧活动和强壮肌...
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