
检索条件"机构=Technical Section"
5 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
Design of Customer Satisfaction Measurement Index System of EMS Service
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《The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunications》2006年 第1期13卷 109-113页
作者:LIU Hong-yu LI Jian GE Yun-xianTechnical Section Shijiazhuang Post and Telecommunication Technical College Shijiazhuang 050021 P.R. China 
This paper discusses the design of a customer satisfaction measurement index system of erpress mail service. It presents objectives and principles of the design based on hierarchical structures. We have devised a diag...
Exploiting Additive Manufacturing Infill in Topology Optimization for Improved Buckling Load
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《Engineering》2016年 第2期2卷 250-257页
作者:Anders Clausen Niels Aage Ole SigmundSection of Solid Mechanics Department of Mechanical Engineering Technical University of Denmark Lyngby DK-2800 Denmark 
Additive manufacturing (AM) permits the fabrication of functionally optimized components with high geometrical complexity. The opportunity of using porous infill as an integrated part of the manufactur- ing process ...
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《岩土工程学报》2008年 第11期30卷 1643-1650页
作者:YANG Feng-jung LIEN Shang-yao HO Ta-fu HUANG Chung-ren CHEN Kun-chuanChief Engineer WRA MOEA Taiwan China Chief of Design Section SWRO WRA MOEA Taiwan China Engineer Design Section SWRO WRA MOEA Taiwan China Technical Manager Sinotech Engineering Consultants Ltd. Taiwan China Dam Engineer Sinotech Engineering Consultants Ltd. Taiwan China 
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《水科学进展》2006年 第4期17卷 538-542页
作者:廖朝轩 蔡耀隆 黄伟民 Cheng Mow-soung台湾海洋大学河海工程研究所 真理大学休闲游憩事业学系 Technical Support SectionDepartment of Environmental ResourcesPrince George's CountyMaryland 20774USA 
针对雨水滞蓄设施在城区减洪之设置方式及容量计算,以就地消减雨洪(On-site Control)及分散配置原则提出设置规划流程与容量计算方式。对于雨水滞蓄措施之减洪机制进行水文分析,并选择台湾台北县汐止地区为算例进行规划。与目前以减少...
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《Science China Materials》2023年 第2期66卷 634-640页
作者:张家豪 许秋成 王靖毓 胡彦杰 江浩 李春忠Key Laboratory for Ultrafine Materials of Ministry of EducationFrontiers Science Center for Materiobiology and Dynamic ChemistrySchool of Materials Science and EngineeringEast China University of Science and TechnologyShanghai 200237China Shanghai Engineering Research Center of Hierarchical NanomaterialsSchool of Chemical EngineeringEast China University of Science and TechnologyShanghai 200237China Section for Surface Physics and Catalysis(SurfCat)Department of PhysicsTechnical University of Denmark2800 Kgs.LyngbyDenmark 
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