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Trilayer anisotropic structure versus randomly oriented structure in heart valve leaflet tissue engineering
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《Bio-Design and Manufacturing》2023年 第4期6卷 423-438页
作者:Yuriy Snyder Soumen JanaDepartment of BioengineeringUniversity of MissouriColumbiaMO 65211USA 
It has been hypothesized that leaflet substrates with a trilayer structure and anisotropicmechanical properties could be useful for the production of functional and long-lasting tissue-engineered *** investigate the i...
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《石油勘探与开发》2017年 第6期44卷 967-973页
作者:孙昕迪 白宝君Missouri University of Science and TechnologyRolla Missouri65401USA 
How Sense of Place Works: Mapping Epistemological Symbols of Memory and Projection
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《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》2012年 第4期2卷 490-500页
作者:Allison SaulsMissouri Western State University Missouri USA 
Everyone experiences disambiguous feelings of location, of where the concrete world exists. Artists of every dicipline attempt to recreate this connection to real or "imagined communities" for their public. How do t...
Homogenized Porcine Extracellular Matrix Derived Injectable Tissue Construct with Gold Nanoparticles for Musculoskeletal Tissue Engineering Applications
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《Journal of Biomaterials and Nanobiotechnology》2017年 第2期8卷 125-143页
作者:Sarah E. Smith Colten L. Snider David R. Gilley Daniel N. Grant Seth L. Sherman Bret D. Ulery David A. Grant Sheila A. GrantDepartment of Bioengineering University of Missouri Columbia Missouri USA School of Medicine University of Missouri Columbia Missouri USA University of Missouri Columbia Missouri USA Department of Orthopaedic Surgery University of Missouri Columbia Missouri USA Department of Chemical Engineering University of Missouri Columbia Missouri USA 
A unique porcine extracellular matrix (ECM) derived injectable tissue construct with 100 nm or 20 nm gold nanoparticles (AuNP) was developed for musculoskeletal tissue engineering applications. ECM has been shown to e...
Effect of Distributor Design on Gas-Liquid Distribution in Monolithic Bed at High Gas/Liquid Ratios
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《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》2012年 第4期20卷 693-700页
作者:周媛 AL-DAHHAN Muthanna DUDUKOVIC Milorad 刘辉Beijing University of Chemical Technology Missouri University of Science and TechnologyRollaMO 65409USA Washington University in St.LouisMO 63130USA 
Experiments were carried out to investigate the liquid flow distribution at high gas/liquid ratios in a cold model monolith bed of a 0.048 m diameter with 62 cells per *** types of distributor for the liquid distribu-...
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《Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering》2006年 第4期19卷 514-518页
作者:LIU Deshun YUE Wenhui ZHU Pingyu DU XiaopingHunan Provincial Key Laboratory of Health Maintenance for Mechanical Equipment Hunan University of Science and Technology Xiangtan 411201 China Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering University of Missouri-Rolla Rolla MO65409. USA 
Conventional reliability-based design optimization (RBDO) requires to use the most probable point (MPP) method for a probabilistic analysis of the reliability constraints. A new approach is presented, called as th...
Probabilistic Analysis and Design of HCP Nanowires:An Efficient Surrogate Based Molecular Dynamics Simulation Approach
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《Journal of Materials Science & Technology》2016年 第12期32卷 1345-1351页
作者:T.Mukhopadhyay A.Mahata S.Dey S.AdhikariCollege of EngineeringSwansea UniversitySwanseaUnited Kingdom Department of Materials Science and EngineeringMissouri University of Science and TechnologyRollaMOUSA Indian Institute of ScienceBangaloreIndia Leibniz-Institut fur Polymerforschung Dresden e.V.DresdenGermany 
We investigate the dependency of strain rate,temperature and size on yield strength of hexagonal close packed(HCP) nanowires based on large-scale molecular dynamics(MD) simulation.A variance-based analysis has bee...
Identifying Risk at the Conceptual Product Design Phase: A Web-Based Software Solution and Its Evaluation
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《Modern Mechanical Engineering》2012年 第2期2卷 25-34页
作者:Katie Grantham Cassandra Elrod Barry Flaschbart William KehrMissouri University of Science and Technology Rolla USA 
This paper introduces a web-based application that enables engineers or designers to identify risks during the conceptual phase of a product design. This software application was developed based on the Risk in Early D...
Performance-driven design with the support of digital tools: *** event simulation and space syntax on the design of the emergency department
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《Frontiers of Architectural Research》2014年 第3期3卷 250-264页
作者:David Morgareidge Hui CAI Jun JIARTKL Associates Inc. 1717 Pacific Avenue Dallas TX 75201 USA Department of Architectural Studies University of Missouri 137 Stanley Hall Columbia MO 65211 USA 
Ptanning the design of the emergency department (ED) is a complex process. Hospital readers and architects must consider many complex and interdependent factors, including evolving market demands, patient volume, ca...
Control problems in quantum systems
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《Chinese Science Bulletin》2012年 第18期57卷 2194-2199页
作者:WU ReBing ZHANG Jing LI ChunWen LONG GuiLu TARN TzyhJongDepartment of AutomationTsinghua UniversityBeijing 100084China Center for Quantum Information Science and TechnologyTNListBeijing 100084China Department of PhysicsTsinghua UniversityBeijing 100084China Electrical and Systems Engineering DepartmentWashington University in St.LouisSt.LouisMissouri 63130USA 
The past decade or two has witnessed tremendous progress in theory and practice of quantum control *** different scientific disciplines ranging from fundamental particle physics to nanotechnology,the goal of quantum c...
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