范例一:(K=图书馆学 OR K=情报学) AND A=范并思 AND Y=1982-2016
范例二:P=计算机应用与软件 AND (U=C++ OR U=Basic) NOT K=Visual AND Y=2011-2016
摘要:The last decade or so has seen the development of refined performance-based earthquake engineering(PBEE) approaches that now provide a framework for estimation of a range of important decision variables,such as repair costs,repair time and number of casualties. This paper reviews current tools for PBEE,including the PACT software,and examines the possibility of extending the innovative displacement-based assessment approach as a simplified structural analysis option for performance assessment. Details of the displacement-based s+eismic assessment method are reviewed and a simple means of quickly assessing multiple hazard levels is proposed. Furthermore,proposals for a simple definition of collapse fragility and relations between equivalent single-degree-of-freedom characteristics and multi-degree-of-freedom story drift and floor acceleration demands are discussed,highlighting needs for future research. To illustrate the potential of the methodology,performance measures obtained from the simplified method are compared with those computed using the results of incremental dynamic analyses within the PEER performance-based earthquake engineering framework,applied to a benchmark building. The comparison illustrates that the simplified method could be a very effective conceptual seismic design tool. The advantages and disadvantages of the simplified approach are discussed and potential implications of advanced seismic performance assessments for conceptual seismic design are highlighted through examination of different case study scenarios including different structural configurations.
摘要:With the development and implementation of performance-based earthquake engineering,harmonization of performance levels between structural and nonstructural components becomes vital. Even if the structural components of a building achieve a continuous or immediate occupancy performance level after a seismic event,failure of architectural,mechanical or electrical components can lower the performance level of the entire building system. This reduction in performance caused by the vulnerability of nonstructural components has been observed during recent earthquakes worldwide. Moreover,nonstructural damage has limited the functionality of critical facilities,such as hospitals,following major seismic events. The investment in nonstructural components and building contents is far greater than that of structural components and framing. Therefore,it is not surprising that in many past earthquakes,losses from damage to nonstructural components have exceeded losses from structural damage. Furthermore,the failure of nonstructural components can become a safety hazard or can hamper the safe movement of occupants evacuating buildings,or of rescue workers entering buildings. In comparison to structural components and systems,there is relatively limited information on the seismic design of nonstructural components. Basic research work in this area has been sparse,and the available codes and guidelines are usually,for the most part,based on past experiences,engineering judgment and intuition,rather than on objective experimental and analytical results. Often,design engineers are forced to start almost from square one after each earthquake event: to observe what went wrong and to try to prevent repetitions. This is a consequence of the empirical nature of current seismic regulations and guidelines for nonstructural components. This review paper summarizes current knowledge on the seismic design and analysis of nonstructural building components,identifying major knowledge gaps that w
摘要:1 Introduction Erectile dysfunction (ED) and coronary artery disease (CAD) are closely linked, as both conditions share the same cardiovascular risk factors. Indeed, these risk factors can determine endothelial dysfunction that represents the common underlying mechanism of both ED and CAD. The prevalence of ED is about three-fold higher among diabetic patients than in the general population and a higher prevalence of CAD has been observed in people with diabetes when compared to non-diabetic *** studies showed that ED can be a powerful marker of silent CAD and a strong predictor of cardiovascular events in apparently uncomplicated type 2 diabetic patients Therefore ED is now considered as a sentinel symptom of silent CAD, as ED often precedes the onset of myocardial ischemia itself by many years.
摘要:背景:长QT综合征(long QT syndrome,LQTS)的严重程度及其对治疗的反应因致病遗传位点而异。因此,我们迫切需要建立一种能快速进行遗传学分析的方法。目的:对LQTS患者进行筛查,确定遗传学检测方法、突变类型及发生率。设计、患者及地点:于1996年7月至2004年7月连续对430例患者进行遗传学检测,确定KCNQ1、KCNH2和SCN5A基因高频率突变密码子的检出是否可以成为一种新型、快速、高效基因分型策略。利用变性高效液相色谱法和DNA测序法筛查KCNQ1、KCNH2、SCN5A、KCNE1和KCNE2基因的全部编码区。确定突变的频率和类型,找出重复突变。另有一组连续75例先证者作为验证组,以便在前述LQTS人群中对检出重复突变的发生率进行前瞻性定量分析。主要观测指标:提出一种新型LQTS基因分型法。结果:在430例先证者(KCNQ149%、KCNH239%、SCA5A10%、KCNE11.7%、KCNE20.75%)中,有310例(72%)共检出235种不同的突变,其中138种为新的突变。58%的先证者在KCNQ1、KCNH2和SCA5A基因64种密码子携带非个人突变。在75例前瞻性先证队列和以往报告的LQTS队列中亦于这些密码子(52%)证实相似的突变发生率。结论:我们提出了一种改进LQTS遗传突变筛查效果的方法,这种新方法拓展了基因分型的范围,可使我们更好地对LQTS患者进行危险分层和治疗。
摘要:目的:评价临床上怀疑为深静脉血栓形成但压迫超声显像所见正常病人不给予肝素治疗的安全性。设计:根据一种简化的程序来做压迫超声显像,超声显像的部位限于3处,即腹股沟部的股总静脉、腘静脉及胭静脉远端小腿静脉的分叉部位。初诊时超声显像为正常的病人1周后再重复检查1次。评价结果的标准:对于临床上怀疑为深静脉血栓形成的病人,凡是间隔1周两次超声显像均正常者则不予以肝素治疗,随访6个月,统计在这段时间内静脉血栓栓塞合并症的发生率。参加单位:四所大学附属医院的研究中心。结果:本研究共包括1702名病人,第一次检查发现400名血栓形成者,第二次检查又发现12名,因此用超声诊断方法在该1702名临床上怀疑为深静脉血栓形成的病人中确诊了412例,占24%。全组病人均获得随访,在两次 B 超检查之间,有1例发生了静脉血栓性栓塞的合并症,在6个月随访期间又有8例,所以累计发生率为0.7%(95%可信限为0.3%~1.2%),登门随访及补做检查的次数为平均每例0.8次。结论:对于临床上怀疑为深静脉血栓形成的病人,若连续两次压迫超声检查均为正常者,不给予肝素治疗是安全的。
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