
检索条件"机构=research fellowin medical statisticsAvon LongitudinalStudy of Parentsand ChildrenStudy Team"
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《英国医学杂志中文版》2005年 第5期8卷 280-282页
作者:John J Reilly Julie Amstrong Ahmad R Dorosty Pauline M Emmett A Ness I Rogers Colin Steer Andrea Sherriff Children Study team 冯凯University of Glasgow Divisionof DevelopmentalMedicineYorkhill HospitalsGlasgow G3 8SJ reader in paediatric energymetabolism University of Glasgow Divisionof DevelopmentalMedicineYorkhill HospitalsGlasgow G3 8SJsenior lecturerin nutrition School of Public HealthTehran Universityof Medical SciencesIslamic Republicof Iranassistant professor Unit of Paediatricand PerinatalEpidemiologyInstitute ofChild HealthUniversity of Bristolsenior researchfellow in nutrition Unit of Paediatricand PerinatalEpidemiologyInstitute ofChild HealthUniversity of Bristolsenior lecturerin epidemiology Unit of Paediatricand PerinatalEpidemiologyInstitute ofChild HealthUniversity of Bristolresearch fellowin nutrition Unit of Paediatricand PerinatalEpidemiologyInstitute ofChild HealthUniversity of Bristolresearch fellowin statistics research fellowin medical statisticsAvon LongitudinalStudy of Parentsand ChildrenStudy Teamfor the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents 
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